Chapter 5-3

1052 Words

“It happens, but they still get upset when it does. Just remember that.” “I will. When do I get my next job?” Levi laughed, and it turned into a cough. “I can see you take after your mother in more than looks.” He turned to his computer and clicked around a bit. “Here is a level One that just came in. You think you can handle a peri? If not, we’ll have to wait a few days for something else.” “No problem,” I said in a rush. A peri was a faerie about the size of a pixie that loved to wreak havoc. They weren’t dangerous to humans, but they were one of the most destructive pests to come out of Faerie. If you left one of them alone in a room for a day, they would scorch anything that could burn. Their magic normally wasn’t strong enough to start actual fires, but every now and then, one of

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