Chapter 2

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Caroline was surprised when she awoke the next morning, Andrew had strictly told her that he would join her in her bed last night. She had fallen asleep while waiting for him but he had never come. She was so happy that he had not visited to her; maybe it meant he was finally willing to listen to her. A sting on her cheek as she smiled reminded her that Andrew did not compromise, he took what he wanted or at least what he thought he wanted. Caroline swung her legs over the edge of the bed and walked over to her vanity. The mark on her cheek was a light purple shade and was much more prominent than she thought it would be. I must have made him very angry last night, she thought as she ran her fingers over it lightly. That should have made him even more determined to prove himself as a husband, not make him leave me alone, she considered, slipping out of her night dress and pulling on her undergarments. A light knock on the door informed her of a visitor, "Come in Jane." She called sweetly and smiled at a red haired woman as she entered. She was 5'7, slim, and older than Caroline by nearly 5 years. "How are you today m'lady?" She asked, not looking Caroline in the eye. Jane had been Caroline's handmaid since her marriage to Andrew began. Seven years together made the mornings and evenings run very smoothly. "Much better than I expected." Caroline answered, raising her arms as Jane pulled the shift over her head. "What color do you wish to wear today?" Jane asked, walking over to the large wardrobe. "Yellow, I am in a good mood today." Caroline answered, a slightly painful smile spread on her face. She turned to look at Jane, who gasped at seeing her cheek, but didn't say a word about it. "There was an invitation delivered this morning." Jane informed her and took the parchment out of a pocket in her dress. Caroline opened it happily, the seal was one she knew well, "The Plantagenet are throwing a ball in three days to celebrate the Lady Rebekah's birthday." "I should get to work on the dress. What color are you thinking?" Jane inquired, pulling a yellow gown from the wardrobe. "Black, I should keep up the color of mourning in such large events." Caroline answered, she was still in mourning in her heart and didn't wish to give a bad impression to society. "I will get started immediately." Jane said as she pulled the yellow dress over Caroline's head and started tying up the strings. Caroline did not respond right away, she was just a rush of different emotions today and could not shake the feeling that something was going to happen, something that would change everything. ***** Three days later Nik watched the great double doors to his mansion with impatient eyes. It had been easy to convince his sister and brothers to throw a party, it was nearly Rebekah's birthday after all and she deserved to be shown off. None of them had even thought of the possibility that this was all to give him a chance to seduce one remarkable woman, Caroline Winslet. He had a plan and it was one of the most complex things he had ever come up with, and all to be with a woman. With an open invitation to the house, he was not worried about her husband at all, if needed he would simply kill the stupid man. Nik was actually hoping it would come to that. His eyes stilled as he heard them announced, "Lord and Lady Andrew Winslet. Lord and Lady William Gibson." His piercing blue orbs found her right away and he marveled at her beauty. Her blond locks were left to freely flow around her shoulders. Her black dress hugged her body in all the right places and the new fashion statement, the corset, only made her body more desirable. The only woman that could hold a candle to her beauty would be his sister and if Caroline had had her resources, Nik was sure there would have been no competition at all. She walked with the grace of someone born into money, which she was, but her eyes did not seem as posed as her body. She looked sideways at her husband, as if trying to figure out a riddle, but quickly looked away. A true smile came to her face when she spotted Rebekah walking towards them, which caused Nik to grow confused. He listened intently to their words as Caroline exacted herself from her husband and parents. "Caroline, I am so glad you could make it." Rebekah said, leaning in and kissing the girl on both cheeks. "I could not miss the party of Rebekah Plantagenet, how would I look to society then?" Caroline teased as their arms linked together. "Oh, I do not think you would care." Rebekah answered, a content smile on her face, and that surprised Nik even further. "You are probably right there." Caroline replied as they started walking around the room, actually getting closer to his position on the stairway, "I am sorry I have not been so social as of late." "After the loss you suffered it is completely understandable my friend." Rebekah assured her, "I was busy as well, there was a party to plan." Nik was more confused with each passing sentence. He did not think that Rebekah had any friends, especially not a human one, and they must be at least somewhat close to talk in such a familiar way. "Yes, stranger still something happened earlier in the week…." She paused and looked around before saying, "But we should not speak of it here, too many ears." "You are not wrong there." Rebekah agreed and then smirked up at Nik, who was now only about ten feet away, "Allow me to introduce you to one of them. Lady Caroline Winslet, this is my brother, the Lord Nikolas Plantagenet." "A pleasure my lord." She said placing her hand in his and giving a perfect curtsy once he had come to join them. "Oh, I am sure the pleasure is all mine my lady." He greeted, pulling her to her feet and giving a long lingering kiss to the back of her hand. Nik was pleased to see a slight blush cross her cheeks, but Rebekah rudely interrupted the moment. "Do not get ahead of yourself Nik, Caroline is a married woman." Rebekah teased and pulled Caroline away, back into the crowd and away from him. "I do like a challenge dear sister." He said, and he knew from the look she glared at him, that she heard it loud and clear. *****
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