d**k: ( Touchily ) Why don't you supply the lack? THIRD YOUNG MAN: I think I saw a squad of guests turn the drive in a Packard just now. SIXTH YOUNG MAN: Might open a couple more bottles on the strength of that. THIRD YOUNG MAN: It was the shock of my life when I heard the old man was going to have a wet wedding. Rabid prohibitionist, you know. FOURTH YOUNG MAN: ( Snapping his fingers excitedly ) By gad! I knew I'd forgotten something. Kept thinking it was my vest. DICK: What was it? FOURTH YOUNG MAN: By gad! By gad! SIXTH YOUNG MAN: Here! Here! Why the tragedy? SECOND YOUNG MAN: What'd you forget? The way home? DICK: ( Maliciously ) He forgot the plot for his book of Harvard stories. FOURTH YOUNG MAN: No, sir, I forgot the present, by George!