6- Breathe...

765 Words
 The blackness covered my vision while screams of Bella, not in pleasure, but in harsh, heartbreaking, soul crushing pain echoed in my ears. I could hear every moment of that pain that Solomon was making Bella go through. He was killing her slowly, the sounds of whips, the sound of breaking every bone, the screams of Bella's muffled mouth, her whimpers, her begging sounds for mercy, I could hear everything because I was the one who was making them.  I did not know why I could not feel any pain and why I could not see anything but darkness, but those sounds, those whimpers were terrifying and devastating. The darkness pulled me in deeper and I felt the sounds fading away slowly. And then I managed to open my eyes again only to find myself hunched over on the cold floor of the club staff room, bunched up in a small ball covered in sweat and tears and whimpers. My body was shaking badly. I heart literally jumping out of my chest while I controlled the urge to throw up. The sound of the club music thrummed and shook the floor and the only thing that I wanted was to get the f**k out of that place because I could not breathe. Half conscious of what I was doing I slid the strap of the bag up on my shoulder and ran out towards the backdoor. Breathe... Breathe... Breathe... I wanted to breathe but my lungs were on fire. I could not feel any air getting in or getting out. My throat was sore and dry. My mouth was open trying to breathe but nothing actually seemed to be working.  I threw open the heavy metal door and stumbled out in the fresh air. The screams and sounds of the a***e that Bella had gone through still ringing in my ears. I wanted them to stop. I wanted to breathe. My hand shot up to my throat as struggled to get air in my lungs and blindly stumbled upon the open road.  And then before I knew that my body was not capable of handling much more pressure than what I had already gone through, the pain the screams, the a***e, the stress... I lost control of my footing and fell down on the floor hard, my body falling first and just as my head was about to hit the rough, hard pavement of the ground, hand came to cradle my head saving me from the severe pain, and injury.  The scent of the person surrounded me even though I knew I did not have the strength to speak any word. But then a whisper slid out of my mouth, "Elijah..." ***** My head was throbbing badly. All I wanted was to slid back into the darkness that I was in a few seconds ago because those screams were echoing in my ears as soon as I came conscious. I did not want this. I wanted to go back to sleep. I did not want to see or hear anything, I just wanted peace. But that was not what I was being given. I was getting pulled out of my unconsciousness slowly, delicately and painfully. My body throbbed all over and in that moment I wanted nothing more but to not come awake. But then that last moment right before falling unconscious came in front of my eyes. That scent that always came from Elijah, that gentle hold under my head, saving me. My eyes snapped open along with my body shooting off the bed. I was dizzy and unstable but my eyes looked around, trying to find Elijah. I knew he was there.  "Elijah?" I whimpered, my throat was sore and my head hurt. My mental state was unstable.  But I was in my bed and there was no one here. The room was lit with the early morning light. Was that a dream or imagination? Was Elijah a dream that I had seen? But Elijah was dead? How could it be possible for him to appear here? No I was going mad. No, I was not going mad. I did not want to go mad. What the hell was happening? What in the f*****g hell was happening?! My eyes were wild, my body disheveled. What was reality and what was a dream? How much and which part was a dream? Had I died and gone to hell? My mind was a wild mess. All I wanted was to die. I wanted the darkness to consume me. But if all I had seen was a dream, if Elijah had not been at that place when I had left the bar, then who brought me here?
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