Chapter Nine-1

267 Words

Chapter Nine ‘Message for you,’ said Bill Beard when they got back to the station. ‘Well, break it to me gently. It’s not another missive from our glorious leader, is it? ‘Cos if it is, you haven’t seen me, right?’ ‘No, it isn’t. You’re to ring a Mrs Scott.’ He quirked his head enquiringly. ‘Isn’t that the same name as your murder victim?’ Rafferty nodded. ‘Wonder what she wants? She surely doesn’t expect us to find her daughter’s killer this quickly?’ ‘Not if she’s got any sense,’ Beard observed dryly. ‘You’d best get over there, sharpish. ‘You don’t want to serve her up two disappointments in one day.’ ‘Yes, very droll, Bill. You’re such a comedian.’ ‘I like to think I have a certain wit. Pride myself on it,’ said Beard with satisfaction. ‘I’m good at having the last word too.’ ‘

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