What was to come

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Nothing could beat the feeling of complete and utter helplessness Isabelle was feeling right now. She should be numb to it now, the scoldings, beatings, and overall abuse. But somehow it's just as painful as it has always been. Was it her busted lip that made her mouth sting, or did they knock one of her teeth out again? Were her ribs broken or just bruised? Did they have to beat her so? She was already a pretty weak wolf for someone who was firstborn in a dominant alpha line. 'Why do they do this to me?' she wondered, as she usually did. 'Because I'm his daughter?' She was curled up in a ball struggling to get to her knees, she had work to finish. If she didn't finish it, they both would be punished. 'Why was I his daughter? Why?' she thought as her nails dug into the earth beneath. Words she could never actually voice out, knowing what consequences they would have. All her energy went into keeping her sister safe, even when her sister struggled, Isabelle would be right there to plant positivity in her. But that did not mean that she believed her own words. Maybe Elena didn't believe in it either. Perhaps it was just two broken girls placating each other. With her thoughts in a jumbled mess, she struggled for a long time before she was able to get to her knees. The hard part was yet to be over. Now she had to somehow stand, then drag her battered body to finish her work. Somehow she had to finish it. She could let them hurt Elena more because of her. 'They call this benevolence? Kindness? What part of me being constantly abused was benevolent or kindness?' she took a deep, slow breath, wincing in pain as she shifted to a crouching stance. Benevolent for raising the tyrant king's daughters? That's what they all said anyway, because that's what they saw outside the pack. But no one outside actually knew the extent of their benevolence. Beating them to an inch of their lives, forcing them to do work with their battered and bruised bodies. She failed to see how this was benevolent. Knowing that the life of an omega was hard, yet hers was harder. But as hard as it was, she continued for her sister's sake. Now she could only crawl forward little by little, dragging her battered body to finish off the chores. Isabelle avoided any major paths as she dragged her body to the mansion. She had to avoid it, just because in name she was the reigning king's daughter. Nobody knew if a visitor was present, and it would really hurt the pride of the entire werewolf race if someone saw her. Isabelle and her sister were like dirty little secrets nobody wanted to talk about. If the king had just shown a shred of kindness which he faked in the beginning, the girls' lives would not have turned out to be this way. A pity it is for two dominant female alphas born of the previous king to be so weak that they can't even shift at regular intervals. And for the entire werewolf society to put emphasis on bloodline and heritage, these girls should have been the best. Because female dominant alphas were rare, they should have been raised with the most utter care and love and when they found their mates they should have started a family and continue down the line towards dominant alpha's. But as the daughters of that sinner, they had to pay for his sins even after death. Isabelle knew their lives would never get better in the pack. It was something of instinct, and she feared their mates were part of their main tormentors. That would be ironic. Because sometimes these instincts were spot on. Little did Isabelle know her life would become worse than it already was because of it. Isabelle was lost in her thoughts as she half walked/ dragged herself to the room the siblings shared. As luck would have it, she only bumped into omegas who gave her pitiful stares. The lowest ranked wolves felt pity for her! A dominant alpha from the true royal bloodline. Bitterness filled her mouth, or maybe it was blood? Either way, it didn't feel good as the wolf growled in her head. She felt disrespect yet was helpless because of how weak she truly was. The wolf couldn't even heal her human as it wanted to. How many times it wished to protect her, or how many times its pride as a dominant was trampled upon. Forced into submission by wolves not of her calibre. How could such a thing occur? Wasn't there rules? However, the only thing which could be made of this was that the rules would never apply to them because of who their father was. Elena was cleaning the garden but when she caught the faint scent of her sister's blood her entire body trembled. Pursing her lips, she looked around, only to see her sister half dragging her battered body into the direction of their room. Elena's face paled. Looking at the extent of Isabelle's injuries, it could be seen that she couldn't finished her assigned work. At which Elena could only grit her teeth in hate. Getting off her hands and knees, Elena dusted herself off and rushed towards her sister. Finishing work was important, but her sister looked as if she was about to pass out at any given moment. "Belle!" Elena called out as she grabbed ahold of her gently, "I'll help you." Isabelle, who was lost in her thoughts trying to forget her pain, was shocked to see her little sister around her. Whincing at the pain she felt, Isabelle wanted to shoo her, to finish her work, but looking at the determined little face she knew she had to let Elena be "Help me to our room quickly," Isabelle said in a pained tone. Elena could feel her sister tremble as she spoke. The girl could only seethe in rage silently. Beating Isabelle to this extent was not needed. Elena was quite sure that her sister hadn't done anything to deserve such a beating. But she couldn't fight back, she was nothing but a weak wolf, barely eating enough to have strength to do work. And if she had eaten her fill it was because her sister stayed hungry so she could eat. At seventeen you'd think she'd be like other wolves of their calibre. Yet that was far from it. The only thing that could save them from this fate was their mate. Even if he was an omega, it would be welcome. But Elena knew that even that probably couldn't save them. Maybe their mates will suffer because of them. Then it would be better to not have any at all. Shaking those negative thoughts off, Elena helped Isabelle back to the room and laid her on the bed. It didn't take long for Isabelle to fall unconscious as Elena had predicted. She would have to finish Isabell's share of the work before she could rest. Elena could only leave Isabelle in her bloodied state as she rushed to get the work completed. Never knowing what was to come.
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