Chapter 12:

2008 Words

Chapter 12: “What in the hell do you think you're doing?” The words still rang in Thaddeus’s ears. They had not gotten far before Geovanni grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around, and spit the words at him. It took all his resolve to not thrash him within an inch of his life. Thaddeus never liked to be manhandled. It brought up terrible memories. His answer was just as curt. A light tap on the scribe’s codpiece ended the discussion while taking Geovanni’s breath away. Thaddeus stormed out of the courtyard. Back in his room, Thaddeus seethed. There was no way he would fall back to sleep now. The confrontation the scribe thrust upon him was too great. He would replay the event over in his mind until the anger calmed on its own, though he knew it might never go away. Now was not the

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