
Destined To A Human Mate


Aurora never anticipated falling in love with him; all she wanted was a quick fix and to move on. Escaping from the lycan world where she once lived as a princess, she disguises herself as a human and finds refuge in odd jobs, eventually landing a role as a secretary. However, life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that her boss is her mate, but he is emotionally distant and unavailable. Now, Aurora faces a difficult choice: should she ignore her growing feelings for him or pursue her own happiness?

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The first indication that my marriage was destined to fail surfaced during the bridal shower. Amidst the revelry of my cousins and strangers from the groom's family, I, the supposed excited bride-to-be, sat like a lifeless figure in a corner. Surrounded by gift-wrapped boxes and balloons, I observed as the girls mingled and laughed over games and drinks. Then, in a moment of quiet desperation, I looked up to the sky and silently pleaded to whatever forces might listen. "Please, end my suffering. Let me sleep tonight and never wake up." Although I had long abandoned belief in the moon goddess since my tenth birthday, my fate was sealed. Tomorrow, I would marry Maverick Novak, a man fifteen years my senior, whose first four wives had all met mysterious ends. The thought of him, a demonic presence, repulsed me to my core. "Aurora, it's time to open your gifts!" announced one of my cousins, breaking through my thoughts. With a forced smile, I responded, "I have a headache and would love to retire early. Please excuse me." Without waiting for any further reaction, I rose slowly from my chair. As I walked out, I overheard one of Maverick's relatives whispering, "She's so stuck-up. She doesn't know how fortunate she is. Maverick is wealthy." "He's old enough to be our grandfather!" retorted one of my cousins with disdain, and I made my way to my room. Contrary to popular belief, being the daughter of the Lycan king and residing in this vast mansion brought me nothing but anguish. My elaborate wedding dress hung in the closet, a creation from the most exclusive bridal couture in the Lycan realm, adorned with over twenty carats of diamonds and white gold. As I ran my hands over the fabric, a sudden resolve struck me. Instead of praying for death, perhaps I could escape this dreadful marriage while there was still time. "Leave now," a resolute voice inside me urged. "Escape before it's too late." Initially brushing off the notion, I considered the consequences. My father held immense power, and defying him on such a momentous occasion would invite severe repercussions. Once the vows were spoken, my fate would be sealed. Escaping now would ensure freedom from Maverick Novak, even if it meant risking everything. Without hesitation, I tucked away some gold into my mother's locket, a pendant I wore around my neck. The challenge now lay in eluding my father's vigilant guards, stationed at every entrance and exit of the mansion. Even if I managed to slip away unnoticed, there were additional guards patrolling outside. My backup plan involved a daring escape through the backyard fence, leading to the animal farm, where I could shift into my wolf form and flee for my life. It was a now-or-never decision. A burly guard dressed in black eyed me suspiciously as I emerged from my room. Thinking quickly, I fabricated a plausible excuse. "I'm feeling unwell," I murmured with feigned distress. "Some herbal tea from the garden usually helps settle my stomach." The guard hesitated briefly before grunting in acknowledgment. "Make it quick," he muttered, unlocking the door to allow me passage. Maintaining a composed facade, I walked past him, resisting the urge to sprint. Once outside, I headed straight for the backyard. The first phase of my escape went smoothly. I shifted into Kia, my ginger-colored wolf, and made a swift dash through the backyard fence toward the animal farm. Disaster struck when Kia stumbled into a sewage pit, the putrid stench overwhelming my senses. Shaking off the filth, she clambered out and hurried toward the main fence, lined with sharp spikes. With a leap, she cleared the obstacle and landed on the other side. My taste of freedom was fleeting. Flashlights and gleaming swords soon revealed guards in pursuit. Without hesitation, I bolted into the darkness, leaving the mansion and its secrets behind. With Kia beside me, we ventured into the unknown, driven by the hope of a fresh start.

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