Chapter 7 :: Declaring Rebellion

1073 Words
''insu.....insu......insu get up! We are nearly there, they are about to come here to take us! Insuuuu'' Ruthba whispered, shaking her trying to wake Insiyaa up! "mmh....go, let me sleep" She moaned in protest and kept laying down with a blanket tightly wrapped around her. "Insiyaa please get up.....we have to freshen up and get ready too" ''Insiyaa your brother is at the door'' Rushda said,..... never had she witnessed someone moving so fast! Like, that really made Insiyaa jump and sit straight on the bed in second, .....started looking around frantically and when she found no one she turned to glare at Rushda who in return gave her a wink and cheeky smirk. "damn it Rushi......she could have gotten hurt" Ruthba cursed "hey no cursing and don't look at me like least she is up'' Rushda said in indifferent voice and smirked. Ruthba sighed looking at Insiyaa who was still glaring at Rushda..... '' do realize that sooner rather than later you have to come infront of baba,....and your brother Shawkat, now that we are already in Pakistan,......Allah knows what your elder brother is doing after not finding you there'' "tearing his hair out of his scull, i guess" Rushda muttered looking down at the book she was reading. "umm....ye_yeah" Insiyaa mumbled feeling lost and exhausted from all the journey......a groan left her mouth because of her now stiff neck......"a few more minutes would have been just fine" She groaned trying to move it "No.....we need to get you freshen up and fed and still need to talk'' Rushda said looking at her they didn’t say a word to Insiyaa about their surprised upcoming nuptials after Insiyaa so unceremoniously dropped that bomb! Maybe because all three of them were emotionally drained. Insiyaa let out a deep sigh......''mmmh" ''Babasa....agreed to that, you said ?'' Ruthba enquired nervously and Rushda stayed quiet watching her young sister's worn expression "i.....i guess he thought he had no reason not to" Insiyaa shrugged having a sinking feeling in her stomach, suddenly she was feeling dizzy and queasy, she didn’t have the dinner last next night,....all she ate was paratha when she got on the train, which was last morning, now it's past 12 hours! She was hungry......! "other than asking whether or not we want to ?" Rushda said with a stinging expression in her face..... "and he said he would see everything himself before taking any decision" Insiyaa had no idea why she to defend her father like that, but yes! She felt slightly guilty at the fact that, her father didn’t even bother once to at least inform them, just once! ''And.....what about Ra-um___i meam no one ob_jected ?'' Ruthba asked wringing her fingers, looking at both of them in agitation Insiyaa frowned at the sudden change in Ruthba......while covering her head with scarf! "Nothing happened yourself said that last night" Insiyaa pointed out "y-yes, but----" ''who do you expect would object......!'' Rushda asked raising eyebrows.......her face hard, eyes cold! Ruthba only looked away...... and Rushda sighed again.....and asked turning to Insiyaa ''which begs the question....dadijaan's burial wasn't the only reason for you to be here ?'' Insiyaa stopped doing whatever she was doing and shifted uncomfortably on her seat....... "umm.....i guess,....i don't know! I thought maybe i could st__stop, if anything unwanted h-happens !" She couldn’t even comprehend a whole sentence. Rusha narrowed her eyes...... All the risk of manipulating the man to make her passport and visa and sneaking around and making this whole ass journey....... it was for what exactly ? Why is she here, truly ? just because of a burial ? .......Amma was long gone and whether she likes it or not, this kind of arranged marriages happens more often in Asia and Middle East than she would have liked,..... It's an age old practice, this is not Europe or America, this is South of Asia..... Elders have always taken decision of their childrens future especially in her country......they always did that! Arranged marriages aren’t something to be surprised of here! It's common! Then why! And how would she stop something such as this...... Surely her father would not want something that would be bad for them So..... why ? who knows! maybe this was how it's suppose to be...... ''can you ?'' Ruthba asked...... "w-what ?" She asked back "i asked ...... If needs be, can you stop o-ur wedding" there was desperation....urgency in her voice, Insiyaa was suddenly pulled out of her thinking,....looking at them both, she gulped nervously! Rushda snorted! ''how was she supposed to do that,.....why do you always asks stupid questions Ruth ?'' Insiyaa frowned...... she wasn’t sure if she liked that demeaning tone of Rushda! But then Rushda was never someone to beat around the bush....she'd call a spade a spade! It was true, was she a mere little teenage girl supposed to do that! How could she! She isn’t even an adult on legal terms, there is still few months left for her to turn 18. not that it will any difference........ specially if Amarendra and Rahat had any say in it, she'd never be! She would always be a baby! But both sisters are few years older than her..... infact Rushda is one or two years older than her brother Rahat. even then, It's still under debate of whether or not them sisters could gather the courage to say 'NO' to her baba if he decides to marry them here in Pakistan in few days. "well we have to start somewhere!" Insiyaa shrugged...... "baba can't just agree to something like that without even asking both of you, than what of me ? He would do the same to me too in future ? He didn’t ask you and would not ask me in future ? Beside, why do you have to get married to a cousin yaar!.....that's so yuckky! why would baba do that ? I'm sure Amma would have never agreed" Insiyaa said in determined voice ''So, let me get this straight! are declaring rebellion against your father with all these'' Rushda stated raising eyebrows ''who is declaring what ?'' All three tensed hearing the voice........! Insiyaa's eyes widened........her back was facing her second eldest brother! Rahil sisters nervously looked at each other and then her! She slowly turned around looking sheepishly at Shawkat, whose jaw basically dropped on the floor......she gave him a nervous laugh "Err.....umm....h__h---ey S__hawky'' ---------------------
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