Chapter 8: Hotel Meeting

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At this moment, the name Ford, signed on the contract, felt like it was etched into Stella's mind. 'Ford? Not investing in Wilson Group but willing to invest in me? And it's a whopping five hundred million! Could it be... Flores? Who else would go to such lengths for me? So Flores confidently urged me to accept the bet during the meeting, then brought me to Global Investment with such assurance? Everything is within his control!' The more Stella thought about it, the faster her heart pounded, as if it might burst out of her chest! "Yes! Our boss is from the Ford family of Capital Eriaru! Miss Wilson, please keep this confidential. Our boss prefers to keep their identity private," Mila replied calmly after a momentary lapse in her expression. As for the Capital Eriaru Ford family, it was just a cover story Mila concocted to dispel Stella's doubts. "Capital Eriaru? I must have been imagining things!" Stella chuckled self-deprecatingly. 'The scion of the Capital Eriaru's prominent family coming to the humble Wilson family as a freeloading son-in-law for three years and enduring humiliation? No way!' Soon, Stella completely dismissed her absurd speculation. *** Moments later. "Honey, everything went smoothly, right?" Flores rode the bike to take Stella towards home. "Yeah! I got the contract!" Stella waved the contract, smiling. With the investment settled, she felt much lighter. "Haha! You're amazing! Remember to bring me to the meeting tomorrow. I want to see how Ethan cries after losing the bet!" Flores said. "Yeah! By the way, Flores, do you know... the Ford family from Capital Eriaru?" Stella bit her lip, unable to resist asking. "Not really," Flores shook his head, his smile fading, replaced by a glint of severity in his eyes. "Well... thank you, anyway!" Stella watched Flores's retreating figure, whispering softly. She knew that even if Flores wasn't the boss of Global Investment, without him, she wouldn't have secured the 500 million investment! "Haha, you're my wife! It's only right! Besides, now that you're the future head of the family, I can spend your money even more!" Flores quickly regained his composure, teasing half-seriously. Stella was left wordless. *** Late at night, in a luxurious suite at a hotel. "How's it going? Did that worthless woman run around looking for banks today?" Ethan mocked, swirling his wine. The thought of Stella being rejected time and again brought him immense satisfaction! "Uh... no! She just went to Global Investment, then left half an hour later!" his lackey respectfully replied. He had followed Stella all day. "Global Investment? With whom?" Tomas sitting beside him asked curiously. Samuel Phillips, the general manager of Global Investment, was his uncle, and it was through this relationship that the financial business of Matte Mala Inc. continued to thrive. "She went with Flores on a bike!" the subordinate reported truthfully. "Hahaha! On a bike?! i***t! Do they even know what Global Investment is?! She probably didn't even get to see my uncle's face and was kicked out!" Tomas said confidently. Since Samuel Phillips's investigation was being conducted in secret, he was unaware that his uncle had been fired. "Haha, Mr. Hill, you are right! By the way, I wonder when we'll be able to sign the loan contract between Matte Mala Inc. and Wilson Group?' Ethan asked excitedly. Signing this contract would make him the sole heir of the Wilson family. "'I've already discussed it with my father. Matte Mala Inc. currently has fifty million in liquid assets, and my uncle has agreed to invest one hundred million in our company, which should arrive in the next two days. So, without any unexpected developments, I'll be able to deliver the contract to you tomorrow morning!' Tomas declared confidently, patting his chest." "Alright! Mr. Hill, you are so reliable! Once I become the head of the Wilson family, you'll definitely get your share of benefits! Come on, let's toast to our collaboration!" Ethan exclaimed with joy, raising his glass and inviting Mr. Hill to join him. "Heh, Mr. Wilson, you know me. Money doesn't matter to me. As long as you remember your promise to let Stella accompany me for a night!" Tomas smirked, his eyes gleaming with lust. He had been craving Stella's beauty for a long time and couldn't wait to have her. "I always keep my word! Once I win the bet, Stella and her family will be completely ousted from the Wilsons. By then, she'll probably have trouble even putting food on the table. Just give her some money, and Mr. Hill can have your way with her however you wish!" Ethan said with a sinister grin, his eyes filled with malice. *** The next day, all members of the Wilson family gathered in the meeting room early. "Heh, Stella still hasn't shown up. Did she give up just like her useless husband?" Ethan looked around with disdain, his face full of contempt.
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