Chapter 6: The Ten Billion Acquisition

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Samuel Phillips thought, 'At this point, losing my position is a small matter. The real issue is, he can easily produce a ten billion, so he can dispose of me as if I were a waste.' "Sorry? It's too late!" Flores smirked and sat directly in Samuel Phillips's chair. Just then, the office door swung open, and nearly ten people rushed in, lining up obediently on both sides, their faces filled with fear. They were all executives of Global Investment, and upon receiving the notice, they rushed over immediately. "Old Andrew moves fast!" Flores looked at the trembling people around him, knowing well that Andrew Cooper had arranged this. "No need for extra words. Investigate Samuel Phillips thoroughly! I want to see satisfactory results in a week!" Flores, high and mighty, looked down at everyone and gave the order. "Got it! We'll get the job done!" The executive in charge of the task responded without hesitation. In an instant, Samuel Phillips felt like he'd been struck by lightning, almost fainting on the spot. During his tenure as general manager, he had nearly complete control, engaging in all sorts of illegal activities. With this investigation, he'd likely spend the rest of his life in prison! "By the way, what's your name? How long have you been working at the company?" Flores ignored the collapsed Samuel Phillips and turned to the beautiful woman pouring tea for him. This woman was the receptionist who had just led Flores into the office. "Sir, my name is Mila Robinson. I've been with the company for five years!" Mila's heart was pounding nervously, relieved that she hadn't offended Flores earlier. "Good! From now on, Mila is the new General Manager of the company, and your salaries will be doubled. But if anyone dares to question the GM or cause trouble, you'll be fired on the spot!" Flores said sternly, commanding respect with both kindness and toughness. The goal was to have everyone completely convinced. As for why he appointed Mila as General Manager, it was partly because of appreciation and partly for future convenience in communicating and cooperating with Stella. "Thank you, Sir!" Mila's eyes were moist with excitement. She graduated from a prestigious university and was capable. But because she refused to sleep with Samuel Phillips, she had been gradually demoted to receptionist over the past five years. Now, she finally had a chance to shine. Flores nodded lightly. After everyone else left the office, he stayed behind to instruct Mila on investing in the Wilson Group. "Remember! In this investment, you can only deal with Stella, and you must not let her know that I am the owner of Global Investment. Understood?" Flores emphasized the important points repeatedly. "Understood!" Mila nodded heavily, feeling even more envious of Stella. Stella had such an outstanding husband; what a lucky woman! With everything arranged, Flores left Global Investment. *** "Hey, honey, over here!" Flores stood beneath the Wilson Group building, one hand holding onto his bike, the other waving high in the air. "What are you up to? I was just about to head to the bank to see if I could secure a loan! Now the whole company is ready to laugh at me, but no matter what, I'm going to give it my all!" Stella gritted her teeth, though she looked fragile on the outside, she was incredibly strong-willed. "Huh, who dares laugh at my wife? Come on, hop on, honey, I'm taking you for a ride to negotiate a big investment!" Flores chuckled, patting the back seat of his bike. "Silly man!" Stella couldn't contain her frustration at Flores's carefree attitude. Just as she turned to leave, Flores lifted her up with one hand and placed her on the bike. "You!" Stella's face flushed pink. Since they got married, this was the first time Flores had been so intimately physical with her. *** Half an hour later. "Babe, get off, we're here!" Flores set Stella down and found a spot to park his bike. "Flores! You're not suggesting we go to Global Investment to discuss business, are you?" Stella asked through gritted teeth, staring at the gleaming golden letters in front of the building. Global Investment, worth billions, was definitely a behemoth in Sebria City. It ranked in the top ten in the entire Sottish State. "Yeah, I've already had Andrew Cooper set up a meeting with their General Manager. Come on, let's go! I'll wait here for good news!" Worried that Stella might continue to question him, Flores hurried her along. "Andrew Cooper... fine!" Stella wasn't going to believe it at all, but at the mention of Andrew Cooper's name, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. "Flores, if you're lying to me, you're in big trouble!" With a deep breath, Stella walked into the gates of Global Investment with a nervous heart. The next moment, a soft, pleasant voice greeted her. "Hello! Are you Miss Stella Wilson?"
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