
His Defeated Mate

self discover
Writing Academy

When Zara is blamed for her parent’s death she goes from pack princess,

to the pack’s punching bag. She decides that she will leave the pack after her eighteenth birthday and completion of her education to start over where no one knows her, but will discovering her mate change all that?

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How it all started
Chapter 1    I woke up to screams and smoke coming under the door of my bedroom, I was scared and didn’t know what to do, suddenly my bedroom door flew open. I could barely make out the silhouette in the doorway, it was my daddy Alpha Massimo Cordell, what’s happening Daddy? We’re under attack, come on we have to get out here, he scooped me up in his arms. As we were making our way out of the house, my dad fell, dropping me on the hot floor out of nowhere rogues began attacking my dad. I ran outside screaming for someone to help, I had gotten out just in time as the house collapsed. Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!!! I screamed.   From that day forward I was accused of killing my father, in the packs eyes, my father would still be alive if he hadn’t have come back for me. My daddy had always promised me that he would always love and protect me. He died doing just that. In keeping his promise to me, he unknowingly plunged me into a life of pure hell.I am known as the she- wolf that killed her parents.   No, I didn’t stutter or say it wrong. Yes, I said parents. My mother couldn’t take living without my father, she went mad and killed herself. That’s not uncommon for wolves, because the Moon Goddess selects one mate for us. There are stories of second chance mates, but there aren’t too many wolves to tell about it.I guess she was in so much grief she’d rather die, than to wait for someone that probably didn’t exist. Since, my father died protecting me and she killed herself as a result, according to the pack I killed my parents. A ten year old killed the strongest people of the pack. Not only is that crazy but it’s completely absurd. However, once these people have something engraved into their brains, there’s little you can do to change it. That was eight years ago, I went from the pack’s little princess to the pack's lowest omega, I would say slave but our pack is forbidden to have slaves, but it doesn’t prevent them from treating me like one. So the lowest omega it is. Last night the pack had thrown a massive party, for what? I don’t know, I’m never allowed to attend pack functions.They’re always partying for something. When the party ended I was left to clean up the mess. My job is to cook, clean and stay out of sight. I had just laid my head on my pillow, when time betrayed me and my alarm went off, freaking 6:00am time to get up and cook breakfast. I ran into the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, threw my hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I had just turned the corner when my face ran straight into a fist. I fell to the ground and was greeted with a kick to my stomach. You’re late!!! Where’s my breakfast b***h? Hurry up with your lazy ass and get my plate on the table. Yes, Alpha. I guess now is a good time to officially introduce myself, my name is b***h, slut, w***e, tramp, murderer ,and any other derogatory label, depending on who’s mouth it’s coming out of but my parents named me Zara. Zara Lyiana Cordell. I haven’t been called by my name in so long, I forgot just how pretty my name is. Now you might ask yourself why do I stay and put up with this abuse? Well I don’t exactly have anywhere else to go. My family started this pack, The Gray Falls pack, so all of the family that I know is right here in this pack. After my parents died my uncle Julius Cordell became the alpha.You would think that he would love and protect me, but he is the biggest abuser of them all then there is his wife, Luna Quinn she’s no better. She  doesn’t hit me as much as her husband but she does hit me, or makes up reasons to set my uncle off so he’ll hit me. She also uses words to tear down my self esteem, calling me fat, black and ugly. She tells me that my mother didn’t love me that’s why she killed herself. Some of the things that come out of that woman’s mouth are relentless. I have to remind myself or rather my wolf Eshe reminds me,  they aren’t true, or I wouldn’t be able to survive. I don’t know where I’d be without Eshe. Nobody knows about Eshe, and I prefer to keep it that way. I shifted early, so it’s easy to keep her a secret. Eshe came to me when I needed her the most. You see most people receive their wolves at about thirteen years old, but they can’t communicate with them yet. You can feel them moving around and sense their moods, but you can’t shift, or communicate with them until your eighteen. It was different for me, I felt Eshe moving when I was eleven. I didn’t tell anyone because I just had a feeling that things would be worse if anybody found out.Plus, who would I tell? It’s not like I have any friends. Just like I felt her early, I shifted early. It happened on a day my uncle had beaten me so badly that he nearly killed me. I was unconscious, and bleeding profusely. He had gotten mad over something stupid, it was so minor I can’t exactly remember. The pack dr. didn't think I was going to make it.  I remember there being a bright light and the feeling of peace. I felt safer than I had in a long time. I wanted to stay there, but a voice told me I had to go back. Tears formed in my eyes as I yelled I didn’t want to, I told the voice I wouldn’t go back. Then the voice told me I had to because it wasn’t my time. I screamed that I hated being there, I was alone and no one loved me. I begged the voice not to send me back. It said, it had no choice but it made me a promise that I would never be alone again. When I woke up, I heard a voice in my head. At first I thought I was crazy but, I soon learned it was my wolf. I had somehow gotten the ability to communicate with her early. However, I was careful not to let anyone know this because I was scared they would take her away. Eshe had been there for me ever since. I remember the first time I shifted. I was fifteen, most wolves shift between the age of sixteen and eighteen. I thought I was gonna die, the pain was excruciating, but Eshe did everything she could to make it easier. I haven’t shifted much since. I know Eshe needed to get out, but she understood the consequences if we were caught. I seemed to have gotten off track here. Oh yeah my uncle had just punched me in the face and kicked me in the stomach. I’m certain I heard something crack, what’s two more ribs to add to the injury list. Fortunately for me having Eshe absorbed much of the pain. She was good like that,by having her I also heal a bit quicker than if I was just a human. I refused to allow any tears to drop, I knew if I did, the beating would be worse. I replied Yes Alpha. As soon as he walked out the kitchen I hurriedly gathered my strength, ignoring the paint that Eshe didn’t absorb and began cooking breakfast. I loved cooking. It helped to take my mind off of all my problems. It was my escape from all of the unfairness and cruelty I suffered in this world. I hurried cooking pancakes, waffles, grits, sausage, bacon and biscuits, I topped it off with a mixed fruit salad. I had just gotten everything on the table when the pack started coming into the dining area. While they ate I ran to my room, I wasn’t allowed to eat with the rest of the pack. That’s when I was allowed to eat at all. I went into the bathroom and drank some water from the sink. It often helped my empty belly feel full. I looked at myself in the mirror, something I hadn’t done in a while. I had to admit I wasn’t that bad looking. I have long jet black naturally curly hair, carmel skin and amber eyes. I’m a bit on the skinny side due to malnutrition, but I had a decent breast size and a butt that would make J-Lo jealous. We are something special said Eshe, don’t you let anyone tell you different. I smiled at my reflection,then I left the bathroom and looked at the time, everybody should be clearing out soon, I’d have just enough time to clean up the kitchen and get to school

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