chapter six-1

2102 Words

chapter sixIt was after half past eight when Amy came back with Ula’s dinner. By this time she was really hungry, despite the fact that she was so frightened that she thought the food might choke her. But then she had eaten nothing since breakfast in London. She lay in the dark thinking about the Marquis and, when Amy came in to light the candles and pull the curtains, she felt almost as if he was inspiring her to find a way of salvation. The plate of fish that Amy had brought upstairs was delicious and she watched with satisfaction as Ula ate nearly all of it. Then, when she had drunk a little of the cocoa, Ula said, “I am going to ask you to help me, Amy.” “You knows I’d do anythin’ you ask me, miss, but I can’t let you escape and your room with your clothes in it ’as been locked

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