Prologue Part 2

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Elle It was now nine in the morning on a Saturday. I woke up before Arie and Talia. The alcohol didn't affect me that much. I thought for sure I would be hung over because of how much I drank, but surprisingly I woke up feeling great. I was excited about my birthday and nervous about later tonight. Every time I think about it later, I get a weird feeling in my stomach. I’m sure it's just nerves, I kept telling myself. I decided to get up and head for a shower and get ready. We have a long day ahead of us, but I will let Talia and Arie sleep a little more. They looked really tired, and I was sure they would be hung over. I chuckled a bit as I walked toward the bathroom. After my shower and morning routine, I got dressed in simple black jeans and a red crop top. I put my hair in a messy bun. It's hard to contain all of these curls sometimes. I headed out to my room to find Arie sitting with her head hanging over the trash can and Talia holding her hair. Arie, are you okay? “Mhmmpf, followed by more throwing up” I’m going to take that as a no. Me and Talia both looked at each other, wondering how Arie was feeling the way she was and we weren’t. Arie finally raised her head up and mumbled, “How.. how is it that both of you are fine, like we didn’t drink our weights in alcohol last night, and I am over here almost at death's door?” Talia giggled, and I tried to keep a straight face. Uhh.. honestly, I’m not sure this is my first time drinking Arie, and Talia drinks all the time. Maybe she built up some resistance to hangovers or something. Arie glared at both of us and then got up and ran to the bathroom. Elle Arie finally stopped throwing up and was able to get showered and cleaned up along with Talia. She still looked horrible, though, a poor girl. I went downstairs to get something to help her feel better, and then I ran into Mrs. Rose. Mrs.Rose “Looking for something to help your friend,” she asked. My eyes grew wide. I couldn't understand how she knew I was drinking and if she knew, then that meant my parents knew. s**t, it's going to suck being grounded on my birthday, I thought to myself. Mrs.Rose “Don’t worry, child, I didn’t tell your parents.” Elle Then did you know? Mrs.Rose “Shh… No time to worry about that; just take this and have your friend drink it all at one time. She will start to feel better in five minutes.” Elle With that, she walked away. I stood there, shocked for a moment. How did she know that Arie was hung over? I quickly ran upstairs and handed the drink to Arie. I have to admit that it didn’t look appetizing. It was a thick brown liquid that didn’t smell all that great, either. Arie looked up at me from the bed. Arie “Do you expect me to drink that?” It looks like some food challenge from the show survivor, no thank you”. Talia “ Well, technically, you are trying to survive, remember close to death's door, all that jazz,” Talia said. Arie “I seriously hat…” Elle Arie ran out of the room before she could finish her statement. After a few minutes, she stepped out of the bathroom, walked over to the counter, and holding her nose, she chugged the drink. She plopped down on the bed face first and then groaned; she fell asleep for a few minutes. Ten minutes later, she hopped up off of the bed, looking brand new! Arie “Holy s**t, what was in that drink? It tasted so gross, but I feel brand new! Let’s get this day started wooohooo!” Elle She ran out of the room, and me and Talia both laughed. We headed downstairs to the living room, where my parents had arranged for us to have a spa day full of pampering and relaxation. There were three massage tables and three masseuses, two male masseuses, and one female. Talia clapped and called dibs on the tall, dark, and handsome one. Arie called dibs on the blonde one, so I guess I was stuck with the woman. Talia quickly stripped and quickly went on the table, then she asked the masseuse, “Do these come with a happy ending?” “Talia,” Arie and I both yelled. Talia “What a girl can dream, right?” Elle Later that day, after our massages, we got our nails done to match our dresses and showered, and now we are all in my room getting our hair and make-up done by three hairstylists and makeup artists. They hid the mirrors until they were done, and I was in awe when they did the grand reveal. I couldn't believe I looked this good. I was always a simple person; makeup wasn’t an everyday staple for me, besides some lip gloss occasionally. I looked over, and my best friends were equally stunning. “We look f*****g hot bitches” Talia stated. I thanked the makeup artists for their great work. After they left, we all got dressed, helping each other. I was in my champagne-colored dress, Talia in a short blue A-Line Chiffon V-neck dress with long lacy sleeves. Arie wore a gray spaghetti strap A-line gown with a split that went mid-way up her thighs. As we walked downstairs, all of our parents were over, they were taking pictures, and all of the moms were crying. I saw Liam and his two friends standing at the bottom as I looked down. He was in a beige suit that matched my dress. He looked so handsome. He stood there with a smile plastered on his face. I walked over to him, and he placed the corsage on my hand. He whispered in my ear that I looked beautiful. Our parents took lots of pictures. As we walked outside, I saw a brand new white Bugatti Chiron with a red bow on it. I turned around to look at everyone. I was shocked and teary-eyed. It was my dream car, but I would never ask my parents to buy it, even though we were rich. It was too much, and I would never take advantage of my parent's finances like that. I always planned on working hard until I could afford one. Mom, Dad, did you do this? I walked over and hugged them both. I was the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you so much, I whispered as I kissed their cheeks. “You deserve it, sweetie.” My mom said, teary-eyed. I’m not very emotional; usually, I can handle my emotions really well, but seeing my mom so sad for the past few days was really starting to get to me. As I was about to start the waterworks, when Liam came over, grabbed my hand, and walked me over to the car. “I guess we are riding in style tonight.” He said with a giant smile and opened the door for me. He was the perfect gentleman. We all got in and headed off to prom!! Prom was magical, the theme was once upon a time, and it was at a mansion. I couldn’t believe it. It was the perfect night so far, surrounded by friends and my amazing man. We danced the night away, and I couldn’t ask for a better eighteenth birthday. While slow dancing, Liam pulled a stray hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes. His green eyes were mesmerizing. I could always get lost in them. That's when he pulled me closer and gave me the most passionate kiss. He then pulled away. Liam Happy birthday Elle; you look so beautiful tonight. I have the most amazing birthday present for you after prom tonight. I can't wait to see your face when you see it. Elle Right when I was about to answer, his phone rang. He made an apologetic face, and I nodded that it was okay he could take his call. Nothing was going to ruin this night. I went over to find my friends, and when the songs picked up, they ditched their dates to dance with me. Talia was drinking because somehow someone managed to bring booze in, and now she was about to break the seal. Come on, Talia, we will all go together. On the way there, Arie asked if I was still sure about later on tonight. I considered her question, and with a smile on my face, I shook my head yes. Liam was the perfect gentleman, he proved to me that he isn’t just with me for one thing. Talia squealed and ran to the restroom. Arie and I both laughed and followed behind her. Talia was already in one of the stalls, so I faced the mirror, giving myself a one-over and a mental pep talk. You can do this; Elle took a deep breath and then began adjusting my makeup. “Talia, would you hurry up?” Arie yelled. That’s when I heard it. Did you hear that? I asked Arie. Arie “Hear what?” Elle I walked over to where I heard the sound, only to find the other bathroom door locked. Someone was in there. Then I heard it again, a string of curses and whispering from someone. Arie looked at me questioningly. If I didn’t have this enhanced hearing, I would have missed it. That’s when I realized I knew this voice. I knew it all too well. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the blood coursing through my veins as adrenaline rushed through me. Open this door now. I screamed while pounding on it. Talia threw the stall door open and ran out, confused. Talia “What’s going on?” Talia asked. Arie “I didn’t know Elle heard someone in this stall, and that’s all I know.” Elle As I heard Arie and Talia’s conversation, I realized that what I found behind this door would change my life forever. Open up, I screamed, or I will kick it down, I swear. I waited a few seconds. I counted to three in my head, and I got hit with a surge of rage, I felt power and strength flow throughout me, something that I’d never felt before. I kicked the door off its hinges; in front of me was a naked Stacy and LIAM, my boyfriend! I couldn’t believe it. She was sitting on top of him, and his d**k balls deep inside of her with a look of complete shock on his face. Stacy, however, had a proud, smug look on her face. She twirled her finger in her hair before saying oops while rolling her eyes. Liam “Elle wait, I can explain; please, it’s not what it looks like!” Elle It’s not what it looks like! Your d**k is still in her, Liam; it’s exactly what it looks like. No need to explain; continue on with your phone call, I guess, and thank you for the great birthday surprise! I turned on my heels and straightened my dress, walking tall as I started making my way out of the restroom. I refused to cry. They will never see me cry. I was better than that. Liam tried standing up, and Stacy fell face-first on the floor, knocking a tooth out and breaking her nose. She screamed, holding her face and bleeding everywhere. Liam ran over to me and tried to grab my arm. I pulled it away, and before he could even say a word, I kneed him hard in his balls. When he leaned forward, Talia took the opportunity and punched him square in the jaw. Falling to the ground, Arie took advantage and kicked him in the stomach. Come on, girls, let's get out of here. While walking out of the restroom, I heard them announcing prom king and queen. Of course, prom king went to Liam, and Queen went to me, to my surprise. I walked up to the stage with my head held high and I accepted my crown. Everyone looked around, confused, looking for Liam. I walked up to the microphone. Thank you all for voting for me. It's my honor to be your senior prom queen. I know you all are probably wondering where Liam is. Let's just say that he is busy taking an “important naked phone call.” Everyone looked confused, and right as I was about to leave the stage, a shirtless Liam ran into the ballroom. He started walking towards me. Liam “Elle, please…” Elle Before he could finish his sentence. I calmly stated into the microphone, “Go f**k off, Liam or better yea go f**k Stacy.” With that, I made my way off the stage and towards the door. Talia and Arie joined me, Talia on the right and Arie on the left. They both held my hands, and we walked out confidently. We could hear everyone clapping as we walked out and Liam shouting my name. When we made it outside, I got the valet to bring my car around, and we got it. Talia “That was so badass, Elle, it was like something out of a movie!” Elle I couldn’t help but smile. Even though I had just caught my boyfriend cheating on me, I still had my best friends, and that was all that mattered. Arie “How are you really, though, Elle?” Aerie asked. Elle I looked at the road while driving. I thought about that question: how am I? I asked myself. Surprisingly, I felt good. I felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I won’t lie and say that it didn’t sting a little, especially since Liam and I grew up together. He was a major part of my life for as long as I can remember, but I guess not anymore. I thought I would be more devastated, but I wasn’t. It would have been worse if I had slept with him and found out. That wasn’t the case. I dodged a bullet. I silently whispered a prayer, and then I answered Arie. Surprisingly, I’m doing just fine. It’s his loss. I will just focus on myself for a little while as long as I have my girls, I’ll be just fine. Talia “That’s the spirit girl,” Talia said as she was still buzzed from drinking. “T.E.A forever!!” Talia yelled. Elle TEA, I asked questionably, “Yeah, Talia, Elle, and Arie, duh.” Arie “No, just no,'' Arie yelled, Elle I couldn't help but laugh as those two bickered. The rest of the drive was filled with laughter and singing break-up songs. Talia was hanging out of the window with her hair flying everywhere, and life was good; nothing could bring me down, not Liam, not Stacy, not anything, and at this moment, I felt empowered. When I was almost home, I had a strange feeling, like something wasn’t right. I started driving a little faster, and that's when I saw it was the one thing that could break me and change my life forever. My home was engulfed in flames and all the other homes around it. I hit on the break and came to a screeching halt. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I needed to know if they were okay. I jumped out of the car and started running towards my house when shaking fingers grabbed me. It was Mrs. Rose, who looked like she was in bad shape, with singed hair and minor burns on her face. Mrs.Rose “Please, child, don’t go in there.” Elle I can’t just stand here and not do anything. I have to save them. Mrs.Rose There's nothing to save Elle. I tried to get to them. I really did, but they couldn’t make it out in time. Elle Wh.. What do you mean by nothing to save? Where are my parents? Mrs. Rose, I screamed, shaking her. “Please calm down??? Calm down??? M…My parents are dead, and you are telling me to calm down!! It was then that the pain in my head started again, and everything became hard to focus on the voices in my head. They started again!
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