

kickass heroine
single mother
enimies to lovers
love at the first sight

Love strikes unexpectedly during a bank heist when notorious outlaw Knox locks eyes with Maya, a beautiful hostage in the wrong place at the right time. Drawn to each other despite the danger, their connection only deepens when Knox tracks her down and asks for a date. But can a God-fearing girl and a city’s most wanted criminal truly make it work? As Knox falls hard and risks everything for Maya, he faces a deadly ultimatum from his crime family. Love may conquer all—but is Maya, with secrets of her own, worth the ultimate sacrifice?

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Chapter 1: Love at first sight
Wednesday afternoon in Fort Canon City looked like a normal day. The city had burst into life after a chilly morning, shops were open and the sun was high in the sky. The traffic was light with minimal congestion and smooth flow. Right in front of the Fort Canon National Bank-FCNB two vehicles pulled over on either side of the street except one was a garbage collection truck and the other was a black SUV without any visible registration. The truck driver jumped right out and went to the back where a dark cloud of smoke was coming from. This raised the suspicion of the bank's two security guards who approached him cautiously. It was very rare for a garbage collection truck to break down right in front of a bank. Something was off. Across the road, a gentleman in a blue suit and designer sunglasses exited the SUV with a briefcase. He walked briskly across the road and as the guards were caught up in a tussle with the truck driver he quickly made his way in seemingly avoiding the security cameras. The doors shut behind him and by the time the guards realized what was going on they were locked out. Not for long, two men in scream masks from the SUV quickly knocked them out and the doors opened before their lifeless bodies were dragged inside the bank. Guns were fired and screaming could be heard next. It was a robbery in progress. Then in a V for vendetta mask, the gentleman in a blue suit was holding an M16 in his left hand and walking around the banking hall, there were six men. Three were already inside when all hell broke loose. One of them was collecting phones from staff and the hostages who were lying flat on the marble floor with their hands behind their heads. Another was tying up the guard's hands with duct tape. "Ladies and gentlemen. This is a robbery!" He announced standing on top of one of the desks, his eyes roved across the hall "we're not here to hurt you, we are here for the money and the money alone. If you cooperate and not act smart we will be out of here in the least time possible" His eyes met one of the hostages. A female in a pink blazer and back dress, soot black long lustrous hair and like the others she didn't look scared of him. In fact, she didn't even blink. As the others packed up the cash he walked towards her. "You!" He pointed her with the gun, "get up!" She got up confidently, his eyes were glued on her. Probably admiring her beauty or trying to read her badge. "What's your name?" "Can't you read?" "As much as I admire your confidence don't act smart with me. What's your name?" "Maya" she carefully went for her badge, “it’s written..." "I don't care. I'm K by the way" he reached out for his phone, "will you take a selfie with me?" "Do I have an option?" "No" he took a selfie of them and gave her the phone, his comrades seemed surprised with the move, "your phone number, I'd love to see you sometime outside work. This is work for me" Maya didn't have to be threatened to key in her phone number. Meanwhile, the gang was almost done with packing the cash and police sirens could be heard from far. They had to leave. "How do I know it's your real phone number?" "Why don't you call and find out? My phone is right there?" She pointed to the table where all the phones were kept. "I'm not that dumb. We're done here. I'll call you" he went back to the desk as the others escaped through the back door, "it's been a pleasure ladies and gentlemen. Don't worry we haven't taken all of it besides insurance will pay back we have taken more from the rich assholes who bank here and drain the city of its resources while the rest of us live in abject poverty. Good day everyone!" Knox walked off the desk and walked through them. He took one last look at Maya before the door shut behind him. Outside, two white Vans disguised with logos of a cleaning company were waiting. Knox jumped into the one in the first one before they drove off in different directions. Mission was a success. *** Back in the bank the hostages were taking a sigh of relief, helping each other come to terms with what had just happened, especially those who were shaken with fear. The staff and security guards managed to open the doors and the police swarmed in with the medical team. Though late, they gave them hope that at least they were safe for the moment. "Is everyone okay!" The lead detective shouted walking in with his pistol at hand. "Yes. They didn't harm anyone" the bank manager came forward. "You're the manger?" The detective fished out a notepad. "Yes" "How did they leave the bank?" "Through the secret back door. We use it to bring in and take out cash. There is no way they knew that door exists unless..." "They had an inside man. I want the names of all employees, this is a crime scene. No one leaves until they recorded their statements, give me access to all security footage for the past three days. Did they talk to anyone?" "The leader talked to our loans and recovery officer Maya" "Who's Maya?" She raised her hand and came forward. "You'll be coming with me, take her to the car" he ordered one of the police officers. It was a wrap for the employees of the FCNB, after recording their statements they were allowed to leave as the ballistic experts worked on the bullets lodged in the ceiling and walls, forensic experts worked on getting traces of fingerprints on the easily broken in bank vault and the lead detective was barking orders at everyone around him. He seemed to be going nuts and he had every reason to. That was just another robbery on the long list of unsolved cases he had on his desk. After they gathered all they needed, he finally headed to his car where Maya had been waiting for more than half an hour. "Sorry to keep you waiting Mrs. Stock" "I'm I under arrest detective?" "No. You're a person of interest in this case" he kept her phone at the dashboard, keyed in the ignition and swerved the car back to the road joining a long troupe of cars headed back to the CBD. "And why is so?" "We will talk about it at the station" The detective was driving like a posessed man. His driving was so unsafe that Maya had to hold tight to the seat even with the seatbelt intact. "You're going to kill us before we get to the God-damned station!" "I'm trying to beat the traffic unless you want to stay in this car for another two hours shut the f**k up" She zipped and let him do his thing, at heart praying they arrived safely. Thank God they did, the detective led her to the FCPD headquarters, his office was on the third floor and after he showed her in the interrogation room with bright lighting a table and two chairs set-up opposite each other with a typical two-way glass where the rest of the team followed the proceedings, he was kind enough to get her a coffee, a bunch of files under his arm and her phone. He gave her the coffee and took the seat placing the file and phone on the table. "Come on, it's not poisoned" he realized Maya was sniffing the coffee deviously. "How did you know..." "The kind of coffee you fancy?" He took a long sip of his and tapped on the file, "we know everything about you " "Everything?" She asked with a sarcastic grin on her face before she took a sip. "Yes, everything except the connection you have with the criminal identified as K is it? Or what did he say his name was again?" "K. And up until today I had not heard of or seen K in my life so detective I'll appreciate if you let me go home it's been a rough day already" "Why did he talk to you then?" "I wasn't scared of him and that caught his eye" "Why weren't you scared?" "How is that necessary in this investigation?" "Let's see" he left his seat and started stalking her, "you were not scared of him because you know him and you're the inside man..." "I'm a woman detective" "Not the point. You're not scared of him because you're his boss, you've joined the bank recently and all the banks you've worked for in the past two years…" "One has been robbed two were nearly robbed. It's a coincidence" "We both know it's not Mrs. Stock. What aren't you telling me?" "He took a picture with me and forced me to give him my phone number. Perhaps you should ask why" The detective took his seat back. There was a pindrop as they both sipped on their coffees, their gazes fixed on each other. If he was trying to intimidate her then his efforts were barely scratching the surface. He pushed her phone towards her. Key in the password. "My phone is private" "Not when you're a suspect in a robbery. Come on don't make this harder than it already is" "Okay" Maya took the phone, she spent rather a long time with it that the detective snatched it away. "Unless he calls. You're not leaving with the phone" "Is it time to call my lawyer?" "Please do" Coincidentally her phone buzzed and the detective grabbed it as though it was a competition. "Detective Stewart speaking...." his opening words were followed a long silence, the zeal on his face was washed away and replaced with disappointment. Maya sunk back in her seat looking at him closely. "Everything..." He shushed her by raising his index finger. "Yes...Understood sir. Thank you" he hung up and exhaled lazily, "you clearly have some friends in high places. You're free to go, but I'll be seeing you" "Thank you detective" she took her phone, one last sip of her coffee and left her seat, "for everything. If he calls I'll find you" "No need. You're no longer part of this investigation" "If it helps, he is athletic, soft-spoken roughly 5,9" with dark hair. Tanned skin with powerful legs he had something like a bird tattoo on his left wrist couldn't see it clearly" "Thank you for your help" The detective was kind enough to walk her to the exit. He even offered to drive her home but she turned down his offer. Funny how the tables had turned, but this leaves one question. Who was Maya stock really? I mean apart from a loans and recovery officer at the FCNB, who was she and who were her friends in high places?

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