Book 1 Chapter 11 Always wanted to be a Father

752 Words

King Rafe's POV I can see Alpha Rhys and my daughter eyeing each other. I truly think there is something there. I will have to introduce them a little bit later tonight. Right now I want to be selfish and keep her attention to myself. "Little Gem how I wished I would have continued hoping you were alive. I was so over come with grief when my Jasmine died." I began. I could see the tears in her eyes as those turquoise pools glistened. "Little one I wanted to be a father more than anything. Even when I was a young pup I used to follow my own father and ask him questions about family. I wanted to be just like him because he was the best father and King anyone has ever seen. I want to learn all about you and be that father to you if you would let me. I would love to shower you with all the

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