Book 1 Chapter 18 Trail Two

1391 Words

Hey all I just wanted to apologize for the extremely late update. I have had a lot of things going on lately that have pushed this book to the back of my mind but I promise to make sure to get to writing to keep updating for you guys. As some of you may know from my little blurb I have a 1 year old who is my absolute pride and joy however this little one is crazy yall. She refuses solids so it's been a struggle there plus early potty training, ontop of that we are about 8 days away (today is Dec 2nd where I live at a little after 9pm) from closing the purchase of our first home. Plus Thanksgiving and Christmas so I apologize for the late update and I promise to do better. Ok let's get into it Alpha Rhys's POV We hurried to change and get back to the trial. You could tell we both didn't

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