Chapter Four-2

1970 Words

'Where are we?' Bradan asked. Nobody replied. The pirates were too busy cheering and yelling in response to the crowds that flooded from the city. 'This is the pirates' lair.'Bradan answered Melcorka's question. 'The den of the yellow beast. It is either Thiruzha, or the Chola Empire that the ship-master told me about? If it's Chola, it is nothing like he described it.' The instant that Catriona eased onto the beach, the crew sliced open the bonds around the prisoners' ankles and shoved them ashore. 'Keep close to me,' Bradan said, as Melcorka stared at him in evident incomprehension. Pulling her towards him, Bradan gasped as one of the guards swung a long spear against his leg. He contemplated fighting back and realised it would be pointless. Pushed, jostled, kicked and shoved, Bradan

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