Chapter Three-1

2006 Words

Chapter Three'I see a sail, Bradan.' Melcorka perched cross-legged in the bows, staring out to sea as the waves broke silver and blue under the prow. 'Good, we need some navigational advice. How long is it since the storm died down?' Bradan sat at the tiller with the wind pushing them northeast by north and the occasional squall filling their water casks. 'I don't know.' Melcorka stood up. 'It's been weeks and weeks with nothing to see except the sea. That's no longer true, Bradan. There's maybe more than one ship.' 'Where?' Bradan scanned the horizon. 'On the starboard bow,' Melcorka said and swarmed up the mast for a better look. Sitting on the cross-trees, she shouted down. 'I see three sails in close company.' 'I'll steer towards them,' Bradan said. 'They might be unfriendly,' Me

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