Chapter Ten-4

1301 Words

Taking a deep breath, Bradan gathered his nerve and swung over the gap. Taking hold of the chain, he lowered himself cautiously down, one link at a time. The wind grabbed at him, pushing him this way and that until his feet made contact with the iron bars of the cage roof and he slowly released his breath. He felt sick. Don't look down. Don't let go. Think of Melcorka. 'I told you it was easy.' Melcorka leaned back, still holding on with one hand. Grinning, she changed hands. 'Now, you have to come down here so that when I open the bottom, the man doesn't fall out.' Bradan nodded, breathing hard. 'You may be cursed, Mel, but you've kept some of your brains and all of your nerve.' Machaendranathar grunted. 'A demon's curse should have reduced her to a baby, or worse. Something inside tha

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