Chapter 10: A Day in the Life.

1970 Words

Willow's body moved on its own, next to the large teddy bear she happened to have. It was oddly cool but comforting, like having a bag of ice on a sore leg. Sunlight peeked through the window's curtains, and her giant teddy bear was pressed against her. Which was weird, because as Willow slowly became aware and awake once more, she dimly recalled never owning a teddy bear, nor did they have lumps against her arm. '…Wait.' Willow's eyes forced themselves open and stared at the body next to her. There, lying on her bed, snuggled under her arm, was a sleeping Lilith. Willow's eyes shot open as panic spread through her system like poison. Her heartbeat skyrocketed, and she patted her clothes—clothes! She was still dressed, but Willow's free hand snapped up to her neck. It was unbitten. So

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