Chapter 11 Ella's POV

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The make-up artist made my eyes smokey and dark after she saw my dress, and then the hair stylist pinned my hair up to make sure my bare back was on show. And my hair wouldn't cover up what the dress was revealing, she did leave some long ringlets loose, and I honestly felt sexy. Well, I felt like I looked good. As good as my low self-esteem would let me feel. Staring at myself in the full-length mirror, I couldn't look away. Twirling around, I looked over my shoulder at my back. And the way the dress made my bum look bigger almost made me blush. I took a deep breath and grabbed my purse and made my way down the stairs. Dad was walking up and down. On the phone at the bottom, discussing a project by the sound of it. He hardly paid me any attention until I made it down when he looked up. He just glanced and smiled, but then his eyes snapped back up. A crease formed on his brow. " I have to go, Tommy. Yes , yea, send it out and mark it a rough draft and ask them to give feedback on what they would like to change. Yea, speak tomorrow " when he hung up he pushed his hands in his pockets. "Ermm Ella Bella, not that you don't look nice you do. But is there a jacket or something that goes with that dress? " His brows stayed creased. And his expression almost made me laugh. " Leave her alone, she looks beautiful ", mum's voice came as she walked into the hall. " I am not saying she doesn't, but I was just hoping it had more fabric. It is hard enough not to punch older men in the face already. Tonight they will be even worse" he complained. " You never complained when I wore clothes like that" she said, obviously poking fun at him. The cheeky smile on her face told me she was trying to wind him up. " Yea, but she's my daughter, and you know what forget it come on before I tell her to go to her room "he huffed when mum gave him a stare. That said don't be a hypocrite. He grabbed mum's jacket and looked at me before he grabbed one of my long coats too. I indulged him and put it on. Just because the night was cold outside, but obviously, once I was there, then him trying to wrap me up wouldn't work. The car dad had booked was waiting outside, and dad opened the door up for me and Mum. He looked tense, which I didn't think was anything to do with how I was dressed. I could tell when he was worried and that was definitely what he was. The ride there was quiet. I think we are all now anxious about what tonight will bring. I was especially nervous about seeing him again. As the car pulled up, I think we all misunderstood how big this event was. There was a red carpet leading up to the doors and along either side of it were photographers, more than likely, from every press source and gossip rag online. It was like a movie premiere or something. " Ella, we need to leave our coats in the car ", mum said as she looked out of the window in awe. Dad groaned, which actually made both me and mum laugh. Quickly shrugging off out coats, so we didn't hold up the cars starting to line up behind us. The driver then quickly stepped out and opened the door. Dad stepped out first and waved at the press , shouting erupted. But dad reached in his hand and helped mum out next and then reached back in for me, ever the gentleman. Any man I did settle with would need to be brilliant after having my dad show me how they should act. The flashes hurt my eyes, but I kept the smile fixed on my face and my eyes open and alert. I looked back over my shoulder at the cameras flashing away behind me and did the mandatory posing. I mean I had never really had to do it, but mum, being prepared as she was, had me watching videos of these things, so we could be prepared if we were ever invited to such an event. Looks like mum wasn't as daft as I had thought she was when she first suggested we study this sort of thing. Now I was glad for it as I didn't feel so out of my depth and kind of knew what I had to do. At least tomorrow's headlines won't read that Ellianna looked like a confused deer in the headlights at last night's Kingsman party. We posed as a family, but then the camera people started shouting for me to take a single photo of myself. Then, when they started shouting personal questions, dad soon stepped in, placing his hand on my back, guiding me into the venue. The atmosphere when we walked in was definitely different to the welcome home party I had been dragged to by Andrew. This was classical music and diamonds and crystal everywhere. Mum had her arm linked with mine as dad walked casually behind us. "I find it weird the Kingsman family never go to anyone else's party, but yet everyone makes sure they turn up for theirs. I mean are they all ghastly or something? But then again, Caleb is handsome, even if his personality is vile. And Tanner is a very good-looking man. To say they are so important in this city, you would think they would show off. Maybe they have some big family secret, and they keep it hidden to protect it "mum mused, whispering quietly to me. I knew mum wasn't gossiping, she was just letting her imagination run wild. But her theories got my interest spiking. It had been a question I had asked before. Caleb had never introduced me or even pointed anyone out saying they were his family. I suppose I could search for them all, but my search bar only consisted of one Kingsman family member. And I found my eyes scanning the room, but as I did, I caught the eyes of a few looking our way. It was weird, but this time. I didn't feel nervous about them this time. My mind was solidly on him. But he was nowhere to be seen for at least the first hour. Neither was Caleb, it was just everyone else mulling around and drinking and talking. Mum had seen Sally and her husband and walked us over to them. I actually got to find out Sally was a doctor at a private practice. She didn't seem like a doctor, she was so loud and free. And she liked to gossip, but her choice of victim was those that stuck their noses up. Which made it hilarious. Her husband was a business executive who just smiled at her antics. Everyone was asked to take their seats, and luckily we were with Sally and her husband. With a few others who I had never actually met. I did catch the eye of some of the cruel women. Lorna's mother and her band of witches. Once everyone was seated, the music switched and the doors opened again. The woman who had been singing declared loudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, the guest of honor and his family would like to thank you all for coming. And can you all join me in welcoming home Tanner Kingsman New York has not felt the same without you ", she happily announced. Then my breath stuttered as he walked through, followed by a group of around fifteen people. Among them were Caleb and Lorna. She was preening like she was the queen. She was literally loving the fact she was among them. I glanced across at her mum, who also looked like she was preening. Tanner was in the front of them and what I had failed to see was a tall blonde woman on his arm. On his other arm was an older woman, with gray hair, but her face looked youthful and she looked so regal. How had I not noticed them before, when I had first looked at them? The elder lady could easily be his mum , so I fixated on the tall blonde women, the way her hand rested on his arm, the way she smiled at everyone as the applause broke out. I felt someone nudge me and looked to see mum looking at me funny. She gestured to my hands and I awkwardly started clapping with everyone else. They all walked through the room like royalty, and were all heading towards our table. I felt my heart pick up. My eyes fixed on him to see if he would look at me. But his face remained emotionless, his eyes fixed forward as they passed us. Not one glance who did look at me though, it was Andrew who was among them. He winked and smiled my way as he strolled past with his hands shoved into his pockets. I smiled at him a little awkwardly and looked away at the others walking past. That was when I saw Caleb staring directly at me. He looked a little confused, seeing me at first, and then his eyes dropped lower, and they heated up as he stared at my chest. I rudely turned away and looked back at the table. The last thing I wanted was for him to break me down again and for me to go running from another party because of him. Their table was behind me, so unless I kept twisting myself around, which wasn't discreet, I couldn't keep looking over as we ate. The music started again, and the meals were served. I kept feeling like someone's eyes were drilling a hole in my back the whole meal. I could hardly eat because of it. My fear was it was Caleb doing the staring. I kept up with the conversation though and kept my face smiling happily. So when I excused myself for the bathroom dad didn't look at me with worry , he just smiled and went back to his conversation. I walked through the room politely smiling at people that looked in my direction. Even the pervy men who leered, I smiled at them too. I asked one of the waiters if there was a different bathroom I could use, not the main one. The last thing I wanted was to repeat the performance of the last few times I have visited bathrooms at these functions. She had looked oddly at my request, but told me there was some down the hall that hadn't been set up for the party. I thanked her for her help and headed own the hall she had pointed out. I hadn't realized just how far down they were. So it was a bit of a walk, but at least it kept me away from that party for a little while longer. I happily did my business in peace, reapplied some lipstick in peace and washed hands in peace. Then I walked back out. I had been looking at the art work on the walls when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me around a corner and pushed my front up against a wall. I squealed in panic, but a hand came round and slapped over my mouth. I tried to struggle, but another hand moved down my arm, gripped my wrist and moved it up my back, so when I struggled it hurt my arm. " Stop "came the command, the voice stern and deep. That voice froze me to my spot and seized all of my movements. " Don't struggle or scream, I won't hurt you "he whispered in my ear as he came closer. I felt my panties dampen, how f*cked up was I ? Just the sound of his voice had me squeezing my thighs together. He slowly moved his hand from my mouth and let my wrist go. A finger ran along the fabric of the dress at the base of my back and just above my bum. " Was this dress for the benefit of my nephews ? " He asked accusingly. I tried to turn around as anger engulfed me, but his hands came up and gripped my hips, keeping me in place. " Tanner" I said, it came out more like a moan. He huffed in my ear. " See you did know my name "he growled, his hands dropped from my waist. His heat disappeared, leaving me feeling cold. This time I did turn and then froze again when I got caught up in his stare , in his intense eyes the ones that had haunted me for days.
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