The Missed time: The first fifteen days of the month part 1

1063 Words

John is furious as he had only known some few things about he himself and his friends. Prieta's voice had faded as she had left John with the watcher guiding him. " Captain look at the scrolls at the un-destined section" says the watcher. John looks here and there as he looks at the 2nd pillar where he finds the mentioned section. " Only read the scrolls at the top corner" says the watcher. " Why the only top. There are almost 5000 here" says John. "Yes but the 4999 others are yet to happen at the time." says the watcher, " You mean that's the future ....................un-destined" says John." Yes " says  the watcher as John does what the watcher says as he reads the scroll that dates 2021. He reads " 2021, March-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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