1958 Words

“I must admit that they're not an overly prepossessing crowd, Norris,” replied Mr. Harding. “But it's not always either fair or safe to judge strangers entirely by appearances. I'm afraid that there's nothing else for it in the name of common humanity than to take them aboard, Norris. I'm sure your fears are entirely groundless.” “Then it's your orders, sir, to take them aboard?” asked Captain Norris. “Yes, Captain, I think you'd better,” said Mr. Harding. “Very good, sir,” replied the officer, turning to give the necessary commands. The officers and men of the Halfmoon swarmed up the sides of the Lotus, dark-visaged, fierce, and forbidding. “Reminds me of a boarding party of pirates,” remarked Billy Mallory, as he watched Blanco, the last to throw a leg over the rail, reach the deck.

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