Chapter 46

1992 Words

"But you begged off, Captain, and so must I. Where do you sleep?" "Lad, I don't sleep half a night out of three. My clothes have not been off now for five days." "Ah, Captain, you sleep so little and scheme so much, you will die young." "I know it: I want to: I mean to. Who would live a doddered old stump? What do you think of my Scotch bonnet?" "It looks well on you, Captain." "Do you think so? A Scotch bonnet, though, ought to look well on a Scotchman. I'm such by birth. Is the gold band too much?" "I like the gold band, Captain. It looks something as I should think a crown might on a king." "Aye?" "You would make a better-looking king than George III." "Did you ever see that old granny? Waddles about in farthingales, and carries a peacock fan, don't he? Did you ever see him?"

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