Chapter 103

2001 Words

(_Bow-Paddler._) Who lifts this chant? Who sounds this vaunt? (_All._) The wild sea song, to the billows' throng, Rising, falling, Hoarsely calling, Now high, now low, as fast we go, Fast on our flying foe! (_Bow-Paddler._) Who lifts this chant? Who sounds this vaunt? (_All._) Dip, dip, in the brine our paddles dip, Dip, dip, the fins of our swimming ship! How the waters part, As on we dart; Our sharp prows fly, And curl on high, As the upright fin of the rushing shark, Rushing fast and far on his flying mark! Like him we prey; Like him we slay; Swim on the fog, Our prow a blow! (_Bow-Paddler._) Who lifts this chant? Who sounds this vaunt? (_All._) Heap back; heap back; the waters back! Pile them high astern, in billows black; Till we leave our wake, In the slope we make; And rush and

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