Chapter 120

1962 Words

"This," began Pani, pointing to the idol of stone, "is the holy god Ananna who lives in the sap of this green and flourishing tree." "Thou meanest not, surely, this stone image we behold?" said Divino. "I mean the tree," said the guide. "It is no stone image." "Strange," muttered the chief; "were it not a guide that spoke, I would deny it. As it is, I hold my peace." "Mystery of mysteries!" cried the blind old pilgrim; "is it, then, a stone image that Pani calls a tree? Oh, Oro, that I had eyes to see, that I might verily behold it, and then believe it to be what it is not; that so I might prove the largeness of my faith; and so merit the blessing of Alma." "Thrice sacred Ananna," murmured the sad-eyed maiden, falling upon her knees before Doleema, "receive my adoration. Of thee, I kn

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