Chapter 114

2002 Words

But what of the banquet of fish? Shall we tell how the old king ungirdled himself thereto; how as the feast waxed toward its close, with one sad exception, he still remained sunny-sided all round; his disc of a face joyous as the South Side of Madeira in the hilarious season of grapes? Shall we tell how we all grew glad and frank; and how the din of the dinner was heard far into night? We will. When Media ate slowly, Borabolla took him to task, bidding him dispatch his viands more speedily. Whereupon said Media "But Borabolla, my round fellow, that would abridge the pleasure." "Not at all, my dear demi-god; do like me: eat fast and eat long." In the middle of the feast, a huge skin of wine was brought in. The portly peltry of a goat; its horns embattling its effigy head; its mouth the

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