Chapter 126

1957 Words

Not to enter at large upon the topography of Oh-Oh's nasal organ, all must be content with this; that it was of a singular magnitude, and boldly aspiring at the end; an exclamation point in the face of the wearer, forever wondering at the visible universe. The eyes of Oh-Oh were like the creature's that the Jew abhors: placed slanting in his head, and converging their rays toward the mouth; which was no Mouth, but a gash. I mean not to be harsh, or unpleasant upon thee, Oh-Oh; but I must paint thee as thou wert. The rest of his person was crooked, and dwarfed, and surmounted by a hump, that sat on his back like a burden. And a weary load is a hump, Heaven knows, only to be cast off in the grave. Thus old, and antiquated, and gable-ended, was the tabernacle of Oh- Oh's soul. But his pers

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