Chapter 163

1984 Words

"Fine poetry all this," said Babbalanja, "but not so new. Oft do they warble thus in bland Maramma!" "It sounds famously, old man!" said Media, "but men are men. Some must starve; some be scourged.--Your doctrines are impracticable." "And are not these things enjoined by Alma? And would Alma inculcate the impossible? of what merit, his precepts, unless they may be practiced? But, I beseech ye, speak no more of Maramma. Alas! did Alma revisit Mardi, think you, it would be among those Morals he would lay his head?" "No, no," said Babbalanja, "as an intruder he came; and an intruder would he be this day. On all sides, would he jar our social systems." "Not here, not here! Rather would we welcome Alma hungry and athirst, than though he came floating hither on the wings of seraphs; the blaz

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