Chapter 161

2005 Words

"No, thank you, Azzageddi, not after that infernal fashion; better weep." "He makes me crawl all over, as if I were an ant-hill," said Mohi. "He's mad, mad, mad!" cried Yoomy. "Ay, mad, mad, mad!--mad as the mad fiend that rides me!--But come, sweet minstrel, wilt list to a song?--We madmen are all poets, you know:--Ha! ha!-- Stars laugh in the sky: Oh fugle-fi I The waves dimple below: Oh fugle-fo! "The wind strikes her dulcimers; the groves give a shout; the hurricane is only an hysterical laugh; and the lightning that blasts, blasts only in play. We must laugh or we die; to laugh is to live. Not to laugh is to have the tetanus. Will you weep? then laugh while you weep. For mirth and sorrow are kin; are published by identical nerves. Go, Yoomy: go study anatomy: there is much to be

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