Chapter 154

2031 Words

The king's injunctions were remembered; and one vault received them both. Moon followed moon; and wrought upon by jeers and taunts, the people of the isle became greatly scandalized, that a base-born baboon should share the shroud of their departed lord; though they themselves had tucked in the aged AEneas fast by the side of his Achates. They straight resolved, to build another vault; and over it, a lofty cairn; and thither carry the remains they reverenced. But at the disinterring, a sad perplexity arose. For lo surpassing Saul and Jonathan, not even in decay were these fast friends divided. So mingled every relic,--ilium and ulna, carpus and metacarpus;--and so similar the corresponding parts, that like the literary remains of Beaumont and of Fletcher, which was which, no spectacles

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