Chapter 15

1785 Words
Enjoy. SIMPLICITY  Is the keynote Of  All true elegance  ~Coco Chanel ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ It is the day of the banquet. I am in my room playing princess, knight and Dragon with Benjie and Mr.Fluffles. Our laughter filled the room giving the atmosphere a happy glow. I am currently sitting at the top of my toy castle with a pink poofy dress and tiara. I pretend to be a helpless damsel in distress calling for my knight in shining armor, aka Benjie, to rescue me.  "elp me, elp me oh rave knight!" Benjie flashes me a bubbly grin as he play fights Mr.Fluffles, eventually winning in the end. Mr. Fluffles soft body falls to the floor with a thud and Benjie runs up my castle's steps, whisking me away I'm his arms.   "Do naw fear my princess, the rave and miyee knight has saved you!" He then jumps, with me in his arms, onto our fortress of pillows. Giggles are heard all the way down. A feeling of sadness builds up inside of me and tears spring to my eyes. I've always wanted a big brother to play with. Back in the orphanage there was this boy his name was Jack. He was a few years older than me and looked after my well being as if I was his little sister. It wasn't long though, when a couple visited and adopted Jack, leaving me all alone. Just remembering those memories makes me upset.  I tuck my head into Benjies shoulder trying to stifle my tears. It does not work. He hears them and starts patting me which makes the situation worse. I am basically bawling now. "Don't cwy sista, I ga protec you." He says assuringly in his toddler voice.  Ooooo you're too cute for your own good, ya know that? We spend a couple more hours playing before mommy and daddy come in. Daddy takes Benjamin away to get ready while mommy, along with a brunette haired maid with green eyes named Leigh dress me.  First they give me a sponge bath with lavender scented bath bombs. Then, they take an agonizingly long time to brush my unruly hair. Leigh styles my hair into a fluffy fishtail with night water pearls woven into it. After that I'm slipped into a silky scarlet dress. My heterochomia eyes popping out vibrantly. Jade beads dyed red adorn the outfit, giving it a special attribute. There's a big bow tied in the front that I can't stop playing with. What? I'm a baby.  I have white socks and glossy white shoes on my feet. I kick them every once in a while, not use to the foreign weight added on. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - At around 6 pm the banquet begins. Mom, Dad, Benjie and I walk in holding hands while the Enuch announces our arrival. "Introducing His majesty Emperor Huang, The Empress, the Crown Prince and Princess." Every one stops the lively chatter to bow down.  We walk down the red carpet full of poise and dignity. When we reach our designated seats, the hall fills with lively chatter again. I see children talking in groups about what the newest clothes are or who is the best knight. Benjamin takes me from mother to go and socialize with the unruly brats. When I look closely at everyone though, I notice slight colors enveloping their bodies. It's like I gained an enlightenment as it clicks within me that this is the power daddy was talking about.  Woah, so I can like read people now!? This is so f*****g cool! You bitches better watch out, your white lotus act won't fool me. Hehe. We arrive at a group of noble kids. Three girls and two boys. I don't care for their status as they aren't important to me, my brother is my only concern. One of the girls seem to be looking at Benjie with a love struck expression and I squeal at the cute appearance of her. So young and yet already knowing the attractions between male and female. What I did not expect were the words that came out of her mouth. What she said soured and dampened my mood instantly. I take back what I said. You are not cute at all. You're an evil vixen with a shrewd tongue trying to take my brother away from me. Try me Boo and you will not have the face to come in front of me anymore.  "Crown Prince Benjamin, your sister is so CHUBBY!!" The minute she said that I glare fiercely at her, but it appears as if I'm a little kitten with no claws atrempting to appear tough. Honey I believe the correct term is curvy.  Not understanding how offensive her words are she continues to ramble on. "I did not know babies could be so fat. She's as big as an elephant, maybe you should lower the amount of food she eats." If her words earlier were rude, then this was down right hurtful.  "Who are you calling fat! Your fat, your whole family is fat, hmph." Everyone stares at me speechless and the girl turns red with embarrassment, quietly slipping away.  That's right you better run. Other than that. The night went by pretty well. I learned that the two other girls' names are Bella and Izzy. They are twins. And Their resemblance to each other is astonishingly striking. With chocolate brown eyes and auburn hair, the two are beautiful young buds. Their father is the left prime minister Bai Meng, he is a man in his early forties with two second wives and five concubines. Looks like someone likes the activities of the night. Then, there's the two boys. One is the son of a first rank martial family while the other is the heir of the Duke household. Their names are Xai Chen Li and Fei Xi Heng. Xai Chen Li has green hair that falls to his shoulders and hazel eyes, while Fei Xi Heng has blue hair falling to the scruff of his neck and azure eyes. Is everyone in this kingdom beautiful? Of course their not as beautiful as me but like are u serious? What type of monster sperm do these officials have? Brother engages in conversation with them while I just look on expressionlessly. Suddenly Izzy asks to hold me. And mind you I have no qualms about this but Benjie's gentle hold on me makes a 360 as now it feels like a bone crushing death grip. Umm, OW! "No." He spits out in a cold voice leaving no room for argument. His baby face is layered with ice and I feel a chill in the air. Woah big bro, take it easy. I give her small apologetic smile for my brother's strange behavior. The group notices the akward predicament and smartly diverts the conversation somewhere else. "Hey did you hear about baby prince Sebastian?" "Yeah, rumors say that he's apparently going to show up tonight." "I heard that when he was born, the sky was covered in complete darkness and not a single sound was heard." "In our kingdom that night be considered as bad luck but over there The people rejoiced for three days shouting praises that the crown Prince is chosen by the gods and destined for greatness." This piqued my interest. Future hubby was only just born and is already labelled as genius. Touchè. But you still can't out shine me. I can talk!  We continue like this for around 30 more minutes before Bejie has to return to father.  He takes me from my brother's arms and introduces me to a woman and a man who are holding a baby boy in their arms. "Melly, We want you to meet Sebastian. He will be your playmate in the future." I smile at him and give him my best wave that I could muster up. All he does is gaze at me with those unfathomable eyes. I feel a tingle shock through me as our eyes connect and the feeling wasn't entirely bad. "How about letting these two play in the toy room while us adults talk, Hmm?" The patently nod their head and two palace maids pick us up and take us to an unfamiliar room. They rest us on the ground and close the door, leaving us to our own devices. "Soooooo, can you talk?" He looks at me before saying yes. WTF!!!! That means I FINALLY HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK TOO. "Wanna play a game?" "Sure, what's it called?" I know I shouldn't be saying this right. And I'm probably going to be labeled as a pedophile but, DAMN that boy fine af. We end up playing baby tag. It's much slower as the two of us can only crawl but it's still fun. Currently he's the one whose It and he is on my tail. I scream out in horror as I realize he's on my tail.  "Nu uh. I'm not gonna let you catch me!" I shout over my shoulder in between my desperate attempt of escaping his hot trail. He laughs happily amusement filling his infant features. "I bet I can!" He says. His pace quicken up even more and huffs of carbon dioxide escape my mouth as my face turns red from exertion. I feel as if I'm out about to fall out. Why the hell are you so fast! For crying out loud you're a damn baby! A Baby you hear me!!! Unfortunately my attempts at escaping are futile as I trip over one of my building blocks. Where the hell did that come from!? I fall face flat onto the floor in an embarrassing position. Sebastian uses this chance to tag me, his soft has landing on my diapered butt which is stuck up in the air. "Tag you it!" He giggles. Why you little s**t. When I get my hands on you!!!!!!! "Oh it is on like donkey Kong!" My muffled voice lets out from the carpet. A steel like determination fills my entire being and I get back up, my head filled with nothing but thoughts on how to tag Sebastian. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ This chapter is longer than the rest. It's a thank you gift for bringing this book to over 500 reads. Peace g**g✌?
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