Chapter 9

897 Words
Here Sleeps a girl With a head full Of magical dreams A♡ full of Wonder And hands that will  Shape the WORLD ~ Author unknown ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Daddy carried me in my puffy princess dress on a tour through the castle. He showed me all the paintings, corridors, rooms, secret passages and more. Too say I was elated would pretty much sum it all up. Around twelve noon my stomach started growling due to hunger and I feel an inexplicable urge to cry. Salty tears hovering in waves over my eyes. "Dadda I'm hungry, sniff sniff," my lips tremble uncontrollably. I've never been so embarrassed. When daddy see's the horrible state I'm in he pats my back soothingly with his enormous palm. Comfortingly he tells me that we will head towards the kitchen and command them to whip up something for me to consume. I break out into a full on grin.  Yay No n*****s!!!!!!! When we arrive, the staff quickly makes a bottle with a special rice formula they recently acquired. It has health benefits for your hair and skin. This reminds me of those DIY videos back on earth. I use to kill them. "Here's the bottle for baby. Now, don't drink it too fast or else you may choke." "Okay daddy!" Handing me the bottle, I drink all of its warm and delicious contents dry. Father then lays me over his shoulder and pats my back until a satisfying burp breaks through. "Ahhhh," smacking my lips contentedly I sigh in bliss. "Is baby done eating?" I nod my head and daddy smiles. "Father still has one more surprise for baby, until nap time." Oh really what is it? Daddy takes me out of the palace and into an expensive looking carriage. Carved meticulously out of sandalwood it has average sized windows lined with gold. The carriage itself is drawn by eight snow white stallions. Their grey- ish manes fluttering freely in the wind. "Ooooooh, pwety horsey!" I let a giggle escape my mouth as the after effects rack through my body. "Yes, they are very pretty horses." When we enter the carriage, the inside looks completely different from the outside. Charcoal braziers are placed in separate corners to keep the surroundings warm because of the incoming winter. Velvet silk- like cloth adorn the seats while amethyst colored cushions embroidered with flowers lay atop. If only there was a wine cooler, then I'd never want to leave. Daddy rests me in a sapphire bassinet before going out and exchanging a few words with the coachman. When that is over he retreats inside. With a 'Hya!' And the whisk of a whip we're off. The journey to the unknown was smoothe and peaceful. The rocking back and forth of the chariot was like a siren's lullaby, compelling my droopy eyes to shut. Sooner rather than later I find myself dozing off, sinking further and deeper into the depthless abyss of never ending darkness. (๑¯ω¯๑). (๑¯ω¯๑). (๑¯ω¯๑) Spoken like a true goddess My resting b***h face~ Billie Eilish I am jolted awake with a start by the sound of horses neighing when the carriage comes to a stop. Daddy picks up my gluttionous body and I feel a bit irritated. I hate when someone disturbs my naps and I get very cranky when I haven't rested long enough. Right now, is an example of those moments. I wiggle my immobile body in daddy's embrace, turning to face his chest while I catch up on some much needed beauty sleep. He pays the coachman a total of five golden taels. Enough to feed his family for a year or two. Then we walk into the residence. Feeling like I am missing out on something I fix my body to its original position. When I look up I see a huge manor in front of me. With iron gates forged from bronze and a multitude of soldiers standing in front of the place the aura it gives off is imposing. Woahhhhhh! Wonder if the guard made a mistake and transmigrated me into some ancient Chinese world instead because this is something else. Vermilion birds carved from pearl marble stand tall in majesty. Just looking at this along, one can tell that the person in charge of this residence has a lot of wealth. An arch was built grandly in front of the building. The name of the manor painted with light and bold inky brush strokes on it. Mei Long residence The person who named this place must have had a fortuous encounter in his last life because only the emperor or empress has the authority to use something like sleeping dragon as a name for their manor. Now that I think about it. It feels as though I've been here before but I can't pin point where. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when daddy ordered the soldiers to open the gates. Taking us in long strides to the front courtyard. (o゚▽゚)(o゚▽゚)(o゚▽゚)(o゚▽゚)(o゚▽゚)
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