Mr. Martin was about to say something, but then he pursed his lips together. “I will take the box up to the valet,” said Helsa. “I will tell him if there is nothing in it that fits, he had better ask you if another lock can be fitted on the door.” She was silent for a moment before she added, “And if it makes a mess, it will undoubtedly annoy her Ladyship.” “I agree it may annoy her, but it may also annoy her even more – if the valet does find the key he is seeking.” “I cannot imagine why,” Helsa replied. “She cannot possibly want to go into the master bedroom except to see that it is tidy and the Duke has everything he desires. She can do that through the door on the corridor.” “Yes, of course she can,” he agreed hastily. “Just give the valet the box of keys and tell him to return w