2002 Words

The Earl’s face went red with fury. “If you think I would ever allow you to marry my daughter, then you are very much mistaken. She is already pledged to marry a friend of mine and I will take care that the marriage takes place as quickly as possible!” He was shouting out the words wildly and his men looked at him in surprise. “If you are thinking of marrying Sheinna off to Sir Ewen Kiscard, you must be mad,” the Duke said sharply. “He is quite old enough to be her grandfather and has a reputation which stinks. No good father would entrust his young daughter to such a man. I can only beg you to see sense and if she cannot marry me at least she need not be sacrificed to your own perverse aggrandisement.” “How dare you speak to me in such a manner?” the Earl shouted. “Sheinna is my daugh

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