Found Out by Rebecca James

3574 Words

Found Out by Rebecca JamesNicco rolled over, immediately on alert. A noise had awoken him. As he sat up in bed, he heard it again, and his sleep-addled brain struggled to process who could be using a key to get into his apartment. There were only two people who had one, and one of them was lying asleep beside him, a pillow over his head and the sheet barely covering his bare ass. The other was four thousand miles away. Shit. Heart beginning to hammer, Nicco slid out of bed, grabbed his jeans from where they’d landed on the floor the night before, and yanked them on. He’d barely made it through the bedroom door when his mother put her suitcase down and smiled at him. Months ago, a surprise visit like this would have been welcome; Nicco loved his mother and saw too little of her. But now,

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