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Sloane: I had just stepped outside to get some fresh air and give my mate and his little brother some privacy when someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Ash. He wasn't looking at me. I looked up towards the parking lot to see six trucks. I stepped forward when his personal squadron stepped out. My stomach flipped a little when Archer followed behind us. I sighed shaking my head. The door opened again letting me know my mate was watching. "Really, daddy? I thought you were going to let me go," I sighed. "I changed my mind, Sloane. Show me your hands," my dad demanded stepping forward. My mate growled at him. "What are you doing here, with them?" "Scary guy behind me. that's my mate. The vampire and the pup are his brothers," I said lifting my hands in the air. "You're a little outside your comfort zone don't you think, old man?" "You are not mated to that man," he growled. "I am," I groaned putting my hands down. "You're not going to make me do something stupid are you?" "You're coming home with me," "I'm not going back there. For what? So you can lock me up for the next two years. We came to an understanding, dad. I thought we agreed with I walk and everyone lives. You want to try and take me back? I wish you the best, old man," "Enough of this, Sloane," he growled. "This is not what I raised you to be," "No. You raised me to be a soldier. You have what you wanted. I want something now. I am going to have it even if I have to go through you. Is that what you want? You want me to kill you?" "Is that a threat?" "You're the one aiming lethals at me but if you feel threatened by all means feel away daddy," "I'm not here to play your little charades. Get in the car and let's go home," he demanded. "Or what?" I challenged. "Come and get me if you're so inclined. What did you bring all these men for? I trained them. If you want me. You come and get me, dad," "Put your guns down," he ordered stepping closer to me. I smiled at him when the lights from the trucks finally turned off and I was able to see him. "Hi, daddy. If you wanted to see me all you had to do is call," he's pissed and I'm making it worse. "You think I'm playing with you?" he growled his eyes glowing silver. "You think I am?" I asked stepping into his space. "We aren't on your land anymore, dad. I'm not part of your pack. Your orders don't mean s**t to me anymore. You think I left because I wanted your attention? I would have taken something from you," "You have taken something from me," he said looking down at me. "You're my daughter. I want you home," "I'm your daughter? Am I not the biggest disappointment of your life? What the f**k do you want me around for if I'm just going to keep disappointing you? Don't repeat yourself. I know I'm your daughter. That's not a good enough excuse to bring me back. There is nothing you can say to me that can make me get in that car with you. So please, get back in your car take these men home with you. I was having a really good day and seeing you made it so much better. Please, please don't make me kill them," "They killed her," he whispered looking me in my eyes. "Their father took her from us," "Yeah, he did and no one is going to stop you from tearing him up if he were to show up here. This is between Gerard Victor and you. I don't have to hate my mate and his brothers for something their father did. Whether you like it or not, they're part of my family now. So, to get to one of them you'll have to go through me," "How did you get like this?" he asked. I stepped back. "You're nothing like any of us. Your mother wasn't like this. I don't know who you are anymore," "Did you ever? Since I turned eighteen and ranked did you ever stop and ask yourself what it is I wanted? Do you now that my favorite color is pink? Do you that my favorite texture on almost everything is glitter? Did you know that it was me who would put her favorite flower on your desk the days when it got really dark in here?" I asked placing my hand on his chest. "You don't know me. You've never taken the time to see the girl standing in front of you because that's what I am, daddy. I'm a girl. I'm not a machine," "What do you want me to say?" "Nothing. I don't want anything from you anymore. I know you. You've given me all you could and have exceeded the capacity to keep teaching me. So, either get in your car and go home or try and take me. Either way, it doesn't change a thing," "Are you happy?" he asked stepping back. "Do you need anything?" "I'm happy and no. I have more than enough. You can come with me and see for yourself. That way you don't have to lurk around to try and catch me like this," he sighed. "If anything happens to my daughter you're all dead," he growled looking over my shoulder at Alexie. "All of you," "Scary," Ashton scoffed mockingly. I looked over at him with a glare. "You are required to attend your brother's mating ceremony next week. Plan to stay the weekend. Bring him with you if you wish," he walked back to the truck he had come from. I looked over to see Kal coming over to me. "Sofia asked me to give you this," he said handing me a box. "Keeping the rogues in line shouldn't be too hard for you," "Thank you," I laughed. He kissed the top of my head and walked back to the truck. They left, in the same manner, they had shown up. "Drama King. Are you kidding me?" "You alright?" Ashton asked. I turned to look at him and smiled. "Is your dad like this?" he nodded. "Just as bad if not worse," he said. "Thank you for staying," he smiled. "It's the least I can do. Be careful," he said and disappeared like he hadn't just been standing there. "I look away for a second," Alexie uttered. I laughed. "I'm sorry. I told my brother about you today. I expected something but not this," "I'll see you around," Archer laughed walking to his car. Alexie came over to me and pulled me into him. "You look exhausted," he said softly. "I feel it too," I agreed truthfully. "This is not what I expected when I got up this morning," "Come on. Let's get you home," he smiled. I got in his car and looked down at the box. Kal had handed me. It's decorated with hello kitty wrapping paper topped with a massive red bow. "That's a gift," "I know what it is," I rolled my eyes before looking at him. "She's never given me anything before," "Hello Kitty?" he asked. I smiled trying to hide my embarrassment. "Pink? Glitter? Who are you?" "Shut up," I defended looking out the window. The embarrassment heated up my body and the glass quickly began to fog. "Oh, my god. You're blushing," he laughed. "I will hurt you," I warned making him laugh harder. I lowered the window trying to get some fresh air. "That was amazing," he said when he was able to calm down. "He's a lot bigger than my dad," "Yes. My dad has anger issues he resolves with working out and fighting. It's why most of the men in our pack are big. They want to keep up with the alpha. You should see my brother," "Is he bigger than your dad?" he asked. "Bit taller. You're not worried are you?" I asked looking at him. His turn to lower the window. "Shut up. Of course, not," "So why are you blushing?" "I'm not," he said looking away. "Please, I can feel the warmth coming off you," "We're not talking about me, Kitten. We're on you right now," I laughed. "I can't with you," I laughed shaking my head. "What?" he asked. "I can't keep up with your nicknames and your-your- your mushiness," "My mushiness? I'm not mushy. Rogues are not mushy," I laughed deepening the red tint on his cheeks. "So, now that you've met the man in question, will you come to my brother's mating?" "We're not going to watch him and his girl do anything crazy right?" "What? No," I said shaking my head. "I believe mortals call it a wedding and it would be his boyfriend," "What?" he asked looking over at me. "Yes, my brother's true mate is an alpha male," his mouth hung open a bit before he parked his car in my driveway. "I- was he, you know before?" "No. He was kind of a w***e. I'm sure the girls in our pack are heartbroken," he laughed as we walked inside "I feel like something like that is going to happen to my sister. She's not very modest," he shok his head. As soon as I shut the door my cell phone rang. I put it on speaker. "Yes?" "You're okay," my brother confirmed. "Yes," I growled at him. "You didn't... Did you kill him?" he asked. "Of course not, you i***t," "You owe me twenty bucks," I heard a voice say. "Shut up, Lance," he shouted. Alexie looked up at me. "You shut up. You fairy f**k," there was shuffling. I imagine they're fighting. Alexie smiled. "If you ever call me that again, I will destroy you," my brother growled. He was met with loud laughter. "I'm starving. Are you hungry?" I asked Alexie. "Do you want to go out and eat? You don't have to make anything," he said. "Pft. There are leftovers from all week. I don't cook Friday's," he smiled. The playful banter on the line was now gone. "Alexie?" Lance asked. I handed him the phone. He put it on the counter bending down to lean on the counter. "Hey," he answered. "s**t. She wasn't lying then," "I will beat the s**t out of you, Lance," I called back making him laugh. "Eat your leftovers princess. Did you get our present?" he asked. "I haven't opened it yet," "What the hell are you waiting for? Open that s**t," "Here," Alexie said taking the plate from my hand. He put it in the oven for me. I picked up the box. "Is she opening it?" Lance asked. "She is," my mate smiled. "Can you believe that these fools don't do Christmas?" "You've been there a while. You should have taught them," he said. I pulled the wrapper off to see it was a cardboard box. I pulled the lid off and smiled at what's inside. "Oh, my god," I whispered taking the frame out. "Are you serious?" "That's right. You're going to be a godmother after all," I laughed tears filling my eyes. "Are you serious? You want me to be your baby's godmother?" Alexie came over to me with a smile pressing a kiss to the side of my head. "Are you crying?" "She is," Alexie confirmed. I smacked him making them both laugh. "Sofie and I are staying in your room. She hasn't been well," he said. "She's wearing your sweaters," "Guilt trip. That's a good technique," I laughed wiping my eyes. "I'll call her. I haven't had a chance to get a laptop. Is she okay? Eating, moving around, she's not locked in there is she?" "Not all the time. She's started eating right again after we found out about the baby. She hasn't opened any your packages," I sighed feeling that empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm going to the fairy's mating," "Are you f*****g kidding me?" Brenden growled making us all laugh. "Yeah and we're all going to your Christmas party next month if all goes well," "Is it safe for Sof to travel?" "Yeah. Ana gave her vitamins and s**t. She encourages her to leave the room. She lost a lot of weight. Your dad and I are not on good terms right now," "Yeah, he's not happy with me either. She didn't try anything insane did she?" "You mean like kill him?" Brenden asked. "Yeah, she did," "She hit him with my truck," Lance added. I laughed. "I guess if you're going to have a best friend she'd be just as insane as you are," Alexie said. "Oh, mine has nothing on yours, bro. Your mate takes the crown for nuts. I told my mate that if there was ever anyone who can handle crazy, it would be you. Small world huh? You should bring Archer with you. There's this girl," "Josie," I laughed. "Yes," he agreed. "Josie would be perfect for him," I said. The oven binged and I walked over to it to get the massive plate with food on it. I placed it on the counter and handed Alexie a fork. "Share?" "Okay," he laughed. "What's this?" "Chicken casserole," "Yum," my brother said. "Helen just doesn't have the same seasoning hand as you do," "Agreed," Lance said. "Aww, you guys miss me. That's so cute," "You miss us too. You don't have to lie," Lance said. "I did until I beat the crap out of Ash and then Archer," I said. "You've seen Ash?" he asked. Alexie looked at me and with a sad smile. "Yeah, she's met, everyone. Except for Raz," "Dad too?" he asked changing the subject. "Are you kidding? Your father adores me," he laughed. "That's an understatement. I think he's in love," Alexie said. "So is Ash. He came by the Tavern earlier. He had her back when her dad showed up," "Oh and thanks for the heads up you ass holes," I said making them laugh. "Surprise, mother f*cker," Brenden said laughing. "Some fries, mother f*cker," Lance shouted. "Some pies, mother f*cker," I shouted after. "Disguise, mother f*cker," I finally heard her voice. Alexie has no idea what just happened. "What the f*ck?" he asked. "It's a video. I'll show you later," "So, you've got a crazy mate too?" she asked making me smile. "Obviously he has to be. He has to put up with me," she laughed. "Did you get what we sent with my dad?" she asked. "Yes, I did. Congrats," "F*ck you," she growled. I laughed. I almost spit my food out. "I heard you were being a cry girl," there was a slapping sound. "Owe babe," Lance said making Alexie almost choke on his food. "Why do you have to taddle?" she asked angrily. "She asked. I wasn't going to lie," "You are really good at dodging questions. You could have done that," "Not with this one," Alexie said. He picked up a napkin and wiped something on the side of my lip. I looked down at the plate feeling my face heat up. "Are you making out?" Sofia asked. I sighed. "No," I said and she laughed. "You're blushing. I can hear it in your voice. How cute," she beamed. I shook my head. "She's rolling her eyes," Alexie added. They all laughed.
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