Beyond Strangers

Beyond Strangers


"What if someone you never met. Someone you never saw. Someone you never talked to , was the only someone for you?"

Lana's met Kurt. Lana's seen Kurt and Lana's never talked to Kurt. One encounter, one act of kindness from her, leads to phones being switched up and text messages being sent.

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Chapter one
Beyond Strangers LANA HUANG HAS had enough for the day. She was wet, smelly and hungry. Today had started off like every other day– terrible. She had woken up, ate some left over rice and Kimchi cooked from the night before. After that, she took a bath and pulled on her favorite pink knitted sweater. After stalling at home for some minutes, she went over to her family laundry store and just immediately her father started bombarding her with clothes that need to be delivered to people. With a bored sigh, she got on her bicycle and went off. The first house: an Old Italian man that couldn't understand English. Lana caught herself wondering how someone could live in a big city like New York and not understand simple "I'll need my money please". Practically everybody in NYC talked about and with money. Worst was the man also seemed deaf and kept yelling at her first. She spent thirty minutes getting him to understand her. She stomped out the porch of the house with an irritated frown and dollar notes squeezed in her palms. Then she got on her bicycle again and made her way over to the second costumer’s house. Thankfully this one was a middle aged man who spoke English. Unfortunately he was a grouch and kept yelling at her about some appointment he was supposed to be in 10 minutes ago and because of her, he was going late and might get sacked from his job. Plus his food got burnt and somehow that was her fault too. While going to get her money he muttered something that Lana heard quite clearly. "Bloody disrespectful Asians….." That was just about it, she was ready to stomp into the house and give the man a piece of her mind no matter how rude and disrespectful she might be but then a pit-bull appeared out of nowhere and all her anger floated away. Dogs were her weakness and she just couldn't resist one. Three pats and coos away the grouchy man returned and handed her money to her. The next house owner sure took his time responding to the bell and Lana found out why because five minutes later the door was opened by a boy, probably two years older than her and the music attacked her eyes immediately. "I'm sorry I don't live here but the guy who lives here is inside, I could take you to him." "I'm sorry I'll rather he comes out here to meet me. I just want to deliver some clothes." Lana replied not liking the way the guy's eyes were looking at her at all. "You should come down, there are a lots of people so, no need to fear and his a tad bit drunk, I don't know if he can come to you fast enough." The guy said talking to her tiny chest instead of her. True enough she could hear people partying down, probably at the basement. She looked at the guy and the clothes at her hand. She couldn't possibly leave here without delivering and collecting her money. And although the guy in front of her looked older, she could take him. Her Jitsu classes weren't for nothing. "Fine, let's go but I'll let you know that I'm a cop’s daughter." She lied stepping in. She waited for the guy to close the door and lead the way. As she followed him, she tried to focus on the squeak of her converse against the polished wooden floor than on her nervousness. Sure enough the party was in the basement and was filled with what looked like frat boys. Thankfully the guy that answered the door took her to the host and he was a bit drunk. After thinking she was some booty call and being corrected with a threat, he handed her money to her. She was about to give him change but he waved her off like some maid. She pocketed it without thinking twice and made her way out of the house punching a guy that touched her butt. Now after many deliveries, falling off her bicycle while trying to avoid a speeding car and a banging headache it was 6pm and she was ready to end the day, take a bath and collapse on her bed. She continued dragging her bicycle, intent on reaching home and ignoring the aches on her lower limbs. Her phone vibrates with a startling beep and she pulls it out prepared to check the text sent by her best friend but then she bumps into someone, her phone falling to the ground. “What the–” she exclaims picking up the phone and checking for damage. Thankfully, it remained unscathed. She looked up to the person with a frown but the frown was quick to disappear when she sees him. It’s a boy and he was shaking. His fingers were twisting up together in some kind of wrestle and he was sniffling down tears. There was clearly something wrong with him and before Lana could say anything, he sat down on the sidewalk, digging his hands into his dark brown hair. “Hey what's wrong?” She got no reply and she placed a hand on his shoulder expecting him to flinch or back away pushing her off but he didn't. He was shaking, seriously. Intentionally or not, Lana got alarmed with worry and concern. “You're shaking. What's going on with you?” “P...Panic….” He shuttered out. “….Panic at-t-ack….” “Oh boy,” Lana said looking around. The once busy Street now seemed empty. “What should I do? Should I call someone?” “There's no one.” He shakes out, tears dropping freely. “What do you mean no one? I could call a friend.” “My phone's dead.” He said. True enough his phone was lying beside him on the floor completely dead. Lana put her own phone that was still in her hands down and gripped his shoulders as hard as she could. “Ok just breathe.” She advised. “I'm trying to; I can't.” “Okay look at me.” She held his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. Her lips part in surprise as she saw his face and scared eyes. She knew him. She knew him from school but in this condition she couldn't match the face with a name. “You're fine. Just inhale and exhale.” She wiped at the tears on his face, demonstrating the act of breathing to him. He did for a few seconds before shaking his head. “Not working.” Lana didn't know what to do. Her eyes darted around in confusion and she was panicking. Should she slap him or kiss him, those were the methods TV shows used. Kiss a stranger? No way. Slap him? What if he goes into shock and dies? No way too. Looking around she spotted a convenience store and an idea struck her. “I'll be right back.” She said getting to her feet but then the boys hand clamped over hers. “Don't go.” “I'll be right back, I promise.” With one last look he let go of her but she could tell he didn't believe she was going to come back. But she was. Lana ran into the store and bought a bottle of water, running back out after paying the guy behind the counter. She ran back to the guy and while standing behind him, opened the bottle and emptied it's content right over his head. The guy stilled immediately and Lana just stood frozen expecting some kind of reaction; anything. He slowly stood up, staggering in and out of balance for a second before turning behind him. He wiped water off his face, his hair and top of his shoulder drenched with water. He looked at her still confused and raising a brow. Lana grinned tightly. “Did it work?”

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