Chapter 12

855 Words
Without the comfort of Ruki beside (y/n), it didn't take long for her to stir from sleep. She groaned a small bit, slowly sitting up and wiping the sleep from her eyes. "Ru.. ki?" (Y/n) grumbled softly, a small yawn escaping her lips. She returned to her room after a few minutes, changing into the outfit he had placed in her closet, though she was much too tired to be able to tie the ribbon correctly. She made her way through the halls, using the smell of food to help guide her to the kitchen. "Ruki-sama," She muttered softly, taking a seat on the kitchen counter. "I can't.. Figure out how to tie these things. Can you help me?" Ruki saw her taking a seat while making the last of the breakfast, which was eggs, bacon, and toast. He put the finished products on the table and helped her tie her ribbon, while teaching her at the same time, he tied it perfectly in a nice, big bow. "There you go." He said afterwards with a smile while his brothers were coming downstairs for breakfast. Kou was saying how hungry he was and that he couldn't wait to eat, by the time they were all downstairs, they introduced themselves since they were busy doing their own thing yesterday... "Thank you," (y/n) thanked the eldest softly. She began to feel unease as soon as the others entered the room, a small gulp resounded from her as her gaze settled on the floor. "I'm.. (Y/n)," She told them, quickly taking her seat next to Ruki, scooting her chair a bit closer to where he sat at the head of the table. She grabbed a piece of toast, looking to Ruki after another moment then munched on some of the toast on her plate. When she finished, (y/n) rose from her seat, looking to Ruki for a moment. "Could you.. come help me with something before school, Ruki-sama?" She questioned him, her own sly lie slipping from her lips with ease. In truth, she merely wanted to check and see if he needed something more to drink before heading to school, where he would be surrounded by other mortals, which would surely tempt his urges. "Hmm? I suppose I could, but we only have fifteen minutes until school starts. Can you make it quick?" Ruki finished eating, and eventually got up from his seat while his brothers stared at him in question, finishing up their plates as well. "Mhmm.." (Y/n) responded simply, grabbing ahold of his wrist and tugging him back through the mansion, stopping as she reached his room, pulling him inside before gently closing the door. "I.. I just thought.. You might need something to drink. That's one of my jobs here, right?" She questioned, pulling her sleeve up a bit to reveal her wrist, her cheeks a light pink tone as she looked away from him. "Here.. Take it from here this time.." He looked at her wrist, wanting to take a bite, but then asked, "Are you sure about this?" He questioned the girl to make sure. He didn't expect this kind of attitude from such a girl like her, but after all, she was different, unlike other girls that he had met. A small gulp came from the girl, but she nevertheless nodded her head. "I-it's okay. I just.. Don't want you to get thirsty at school, or anything," (y/n) told him, her gaze pulling away from him a bit, her cheeks flushing a light tone from admitting her worry for him. "J-just.. Try not to get.. Too handsy this time.. Okay?" Ruki then smiled slightly and started to grab her delicate wrist. He bought it to his face and slowly started to sink his sharp fangs into her soft skin. The bit was softer than the bit he had given her on her finger last night. He drunk from her for quite a while, licking the remanding blood that was dripping off until it stopped. He had some of the remanding blood dripping down his lip, he cleaned it up by licking his lips. "Didn't I tell you that you have the sweetest blood?" He smiled at her and Said while walking slightly closer to her figure. (Y/n) let out a sharp since as his fangs pierced her skin, naturally struggling in his hold for a moment, though she stopped quickly enough. She handled the pain quite well, however, only whimpering a bit once she had calmed down, her breathing quite ragged. His words made her a bit uneasy, a bit of fear appearing in her (e/c) orbs as he took a few steps towards her. "I-I.. Don't think so.. Is that.. A good thing?" She questioned him, though this time, she didn't back away from his approach. Ruki let out a small chuckle and cupped his hands on both sides of her face, gently, then gave her a quick kiss, his fangs piercing her lips a little. "I hope that answers your question..." He started to walk to the front door, where his brothers were waiting for him in the car.
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