Chapter 1

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It was noon when the young Princess decided to visit her beloved Kingdom once again. It amazed Tessa, the princess's hand-maiden, how a Princess like Miss Cordelia, who preferred to be more safe and comfortable, could still enjoy sneaking out at an odd hour like noon and adventure without any protection. She was also amazed at how the Princess found time for such an adventure when her hands were full - she had special training for etiquette, a few hours with a private instructed - who taught her everything one needed to learn in school - then she had an hour practicing her ballroom dancing and at least another hour playing the piano or reading. Not many people in the Kingdom considered education for women. However, since she was the Princess of the Kingdom, the royalty saw it necessary to educate the young girl. The same went for her hand-maiden. "They cannot serve someone who does not have the power of knowledge if you cannot level up to their understanding." was what Tessa's mother, the Queen's hand-maiden, had once said to her. "Tessa, hurry up, will you?" Princess Cordelia, dressed in one of Tessa's old rags, which was what the Princess called the commoner's clothes. "Must we do this every day, Princess?" "Of course! What is wrong in having a little fun? It is good for the mind and body to enjoy a little overwhelms and excitement." The Princess argued. "And would you stop calling me Princess whilst we are outside? Call me Dalia, will you? It is less suspicious." "Address you the same way Prince James does? I could never!" Tessa said in horror. "Tessa!" The Princess hissed. "Enough with the formal attitude. We have known each other our whole life. I consider you more as a sister than my hand-maiden. Now, hurry up! dépêche toi!" With an inward sigh, the young hand-maiden stepped forth, finally outside the Palace grounds. "Let us go now. I want to visit the garden which overlooks the Kingdom. I saw a few flowers that smelled sweeter than the honeysuckles." "We have visited that garden three times this week. Are you sure that there is nothing else that you would rather do?" Tessa asked. She was starting a get a little concerned with the Princesses persistence to want to go to the same place every day. "I'd rather not." She said as she continued to walk towards the garden. Tessa, unable to say or do anything, strolled behind the Princess. The Kingdom was beautiful. By-passers would always spend a little too much of their time due to the beauty. The mountains that acted as barriers from other Kingdoms made Donner one of the safest places to live. Many argued that the name of the Kingdom was because of the nature of its residents. The people, as they would say, were in the habit of giving way much than what was bargained, like the verb donner which means giving in French. This was why the Kingdom was considered the best in the whole of France. As the two walked along the path, Tessa's eyes crossed with one of the Palace guards, walking around in his uniform. His blonde hair was swept back to keep it from falling in his eyes. He had a certain aura around him. She felt her heart skip when she noticed him looking right at her. Her first thought was that maybe he recognized them. But she was proven wrong when his eyes stayed on her and didn't avert to the Princess who was making conversations about things that she saw. "That vase is pretty, is it not, Tessa?" She asked. Tessa averted her eyes quickly, her face heating up just the littlest bit from the eye contact. "We will have them buy one for you once we get back." She replied in a calm voice. "Or we could buy it right now, don't you think?" Cordelia couldn't hear Tessa's response. As soon as she finished asking her question, she slammed her toe against a small rock, losing her footing. Tessa wasn't too quick to react. She bit her tongue when she almost blurted 'Princess'. She didn't want people around her to know that they were royalty. As Cordelia fell on her knees with a little yelp, Tessa hurried to her and bent down. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Her tone was hurried with a tinge of worry mixed in it. Although, Tessa didn't want to know what the Queen might do if she were to find out about this, she didn't want to see a person she was this close to, getting hurt. "I am alright." The princess whispered. She had light tears in her eyes but she was still smiling. She couldn't let Tessa worry too much about her. Even though she could feel her knee bleeding just the littlest bit, she smiled it away. "Are you alright miss? Here, let me help you." Standing with his hand stretched out was a young man who couldn't be older than eighteen. His hair was disheveled and his clothes had little patchworks on them. There was no doubt that the young man was a commoner. Cordelia noticed this, but what she noticed before his clothing, was his eyes. His baby blue eyes had the kind of light in them that made Cordelia blush. "Thank you." She muttered as she accepted his hand. "Are you hurt? You can come clean up if you wish." "She is fine." Tessa didn't mean for her voice to be that harsh but she needed to protect the Princess. She didn't know who the guy in front was but she couldn't have him interfering in royalty manners. "Are you not?" She asked, grabbing Cordelia's hand with a grip that warned the Princess. Cordelia certainly did not like this and narrowed her eyes. "Yes, I am fine." She said, slowly averting her eyes to the stranger. "Thank you for your help, Sir." "My name is Zen Carpbell but please, call me Zen." His smile charmed Cordelia. "I am Dalia and this is my friend, Tessa." Cordelia introduced. "I suppose you are new here, for I haven't seen you before and I know everyone in this Kingdom." Zen said, crossing his hands behind his back and standing straighter. "Oh..." Cordelia's eyes shifted to Tessa. "Yes, we are new. Now come on... Dalia. You wanted to see the garden. We should hurry. Your mother would get upset if you are outside after dark." Tessa said, grabbing a hold of Cordelia's hand. "Good day, Sir." "It's Zen!" He called out as Tessa dragged the Princess with her. She ignored him.
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