Chapter 3

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The next couple of days Cordelia had decided to stay inside the Palace. Tessa wasn't sure if it was because of something she realized in the talk that they had shared, or because she finally grew tired of visiting the same old places. Either way, Tessa was glad to have a little time to herself. "Is there anything that you need, Princess?" She asked Cordelia who was leisurely reading on her bed. "Must you always be by my side? I am alright. Go do something that you've always wanted to do." Her tone was a little harsher than Tessa had expected. "Is everything alright?" "Yes, why wouldn't everything be okay? I did just receive a letter from my brother. I am great!" If other ladies had heard the Princess, they would've gasped at the unladylike behavior. Tess, on the other hand, let her head fall and silently excused herself from the room. She walked to hers which was in the maid quarters. There, laying on her desk was a letter, handwritten from the Prince himself. Her eyes widened as she recognized his writing and quickly shut her door. She was surprised at the arrival of this letter. Every so often, when he would be away, he'd send a letter a to her. Of course, to not raise suspicions as to why the Prince would send a letter to his sister's hand-maiden, he'd sign it in a different name, a name only she called him by. 'Dear Tessa, I hope that this letter finds you in one piece. How have you been, my love? I hope everything is alright. Is my sister doing well? I just received her letter telling me something about flowers, so I presume that she is. I do very miss you. It is hard to not be able to see you every day. How sad it is that you are just a few hours away in Donner whilst I am here with Prince Cooper? I wish I could ride on my horse and come to you right away. I think of you every night, my love. Every night when I close my eyes, I picture you and suddenly, I can't sleep after that. So, I would walk to the window and gaze at the stars. Somehow, even they remind me of you. I cannot take this anymore. I will have to return to the Kingdom soon to see you. However, there is something that has happened and I would much rather you hear it from me. My mother has found someone for me. Her name is Louise, Princess Louise of Clarice. It is a small Kingdom on the border of France and Germany. It is so small that perhaps it isn't even mentioned in any of our books. Mother thinks that she is the perfect fit for me. She will be visiting us soon, too. It saddens me to think that I would have to sever my ties with you for her. She will be only a week after my arrival, which is yet to be discussed. Before she arrives, would you spend some time with me before we sever ties? The letter hadn't ended there but Tessa's will to go on surly had. Her heart felt heavy in her chest, as if someone had dropped a pile of rocks on her. She let the paper slip from her hands as she covered her mouth with her hand, repressing a sob. He wants to sever ties with me... She thought as tears streamed down her face. I, who has been there for him through everything, would have to pretend to not even acknowledge him after his marriage. The thought only made her cry more. She must have spent at least an hour in her room, bawling her eyes out before someone knocked on her door. Her eyes, red and puffy as they were, briefly considered ignoring the knock and going back to crying. Her doubts were thrown out of the window when the knocking started once again. Wiping her eyes, she walked up to the door and answered it. The Princess barged in to the room, mumbling curses as she did. Tessa's eyes widened as she watched the Princess walk up her bed and sit down. "Princess! You are not to be here. These are the maid quarters. Oh, if someone was to see you!" Cordelia looked up at Tessa, silently. Her gaze was so heated that Tessa had to look away for a moment. "It is only a room, Tessa. It doesn't matter where it is or for whom it was built. It is merely just a room. You need not worry about something of this sort." She said, crossing her hands. "Tell me, have you been crying? Has something happened?" she asked. Tessa quickly shook her head. "Oh, do not worry about me! I am fine. I was having a moment, that's all. Do not worry!" "But Tessa," She said, getting up. "I am worried. I have never seen you cry. Was there something that happened? Did someone say something?" "Princess, please. Do not worry." Cordelia was still suspicious but nevertheless, she dropped the topic. "Let us go out, today. It has been some time since we've been out and I am rather bored. My brother believes that going out of the palace grounds is a waste of time and that I should devote my time to my duties instead. As if I don't do by duties. His advice makes me want to go out even more." She said. "Besides, we might run into Zen, again. I must say, that man intrigued me. I wish to see him again." "But princess!" "Oh, do not worry Tessa. We'll be back before dusk. We always are. Come on now. Hurry up!" Refusing to listen, Cordelia walked out of the room giving Tessa little to no choice other than to oblige. As the two walked across the Royal Gardens to go outside the Palace Grounds, Cordelia noticed new gardeners uprooting many of their beautiful flowers, only to plant other different – normal – ones. "Looks like your wish to the Prince came through, Princess." Tessa whispered quietly as the two continued to walk. "We no longer only have expensive flowers but every other kind as well." Cordelia felt herself smile a little. "What did I tell you? My brother listens to me the best." She now grinned before grabbing onto Tessa's hand. "Come on!" They ran together out of the Palace grounds.
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