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Tagalog po ito, sabog lang yata ako at naging english Prologue hahaha. May mga salita at pangyayaring hindi akong sa mga bata. _______ "Who is she?" I asked my mom. I am watching a girl talking to one of our maids. They are at the front gate. The maid let her in. I am in the library, and I can see her here on the third floor. She's a beauty. She is only wearing old pants and a white shirt, but she still manages to look like a goddess in my eyes. "She is Ophelia's daughter," she answered, and gave me a suspicious look. "What?" I am trying to sound innocent. "Not her. She is just a maid's daughter. " "So what if she is a maid's daughter, mom?" There is nothing wrong with being a maid's daughter. It's not her fault she was born poor. But it would be my fault if I let her leave without knowing her name. "She is also older than you." Dad stepped in, but Mom gave him a lethal glare. "Older women are better, dad. You no longer need to teach them, you know." I groan in pain when Mom smacks my head. "Don't tell me that you are also infected by your twin's virus," Mom said with disgust. She is talking to Leonidas, my twin brother. I left him at school because he said he still had a date. Maybe he is in the bed of someone right now, playing jackstone. "They are still young. Let them have fun, " Dad said and gave me a wink. "Fun? They are not having fun; they are flirting. What if they get someone pregnant at a young age? They are not yet fully men, but they are already spreading their sperm. " Mom squinted her eyes. Dad avoided her eyes and continued to read the paper he was holding. She returned her attention to me. "So you better stay away from Ophelia's daughter. Don't you dare approach her. " I never spread my sperm. I always used condoms, so she does not have to worry. "Can't I be friendly with her?" She gave me a fake smile. "I don't believe your friendly antics." "Mom, I am not Leonidas." "But you are his twin. You don't have the same face, but you probably have the same character as him when it comes to girls. You are my son. You can't hide anything from me. " I just asked her name, but I received a nag from my mother. Well, I can't blame her. She had a point. I really have a plan to hit on our maid's daughter. So I got up and went outside the office to find her. I smiled widely when I saw her in the garage. She was about to go out. "Hey! Wait! " It was like a slow-motion the way she turned her head to look at me. My heart beats faster than usual. I want to say something, but I can't speak. I am enchanted by the girl in front of me. "Bakit?" "Nothing." That's the only thing I can say. I forgot all the sweet words I usually say to other girls to get their attention. I am even lucky that I didn't stutter in front of her. "Ah, sige mauna ako." "I am Fifth," I said faster and extended my hand for a handshake. She smiled. Gracious! She's prettier when she's smiling. She accepted my hand. "I am Tasha. You can call me Ate Tasha. " WTH?! No way. I will never call her 'Ate'. My three older brothers are enough, and I am not looking for an older sister. She quickly let my hand go. "Nice meeting you, Fifth. Sige, mauna na ako, "she said, turning her head to leave. I just watched her walk away. I wanted to stop her and talk to her more, but I controlled myself, which I regretted the most. Since that day, the first girl who caught my attention when I was fifteen has just become part of my memories because her mom resigned from her job in our house the next day. After that, I never saw Tasha again.
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