
I Only Want You, Mate.


Madison, the daughter of the Alpha and Luna used to live a happy and hidden life, not because she was forced to but because she wanted to. All of that changed when the pack members her parents gave their all for went against them and killed every one of them, leaving only Madison, the survivor. Saved by a Samaritan and accepted by a stranger she must learn to hide her name and identity if she wants to live. But what happens when her mate comes knocking on the foot and no matter what, he wouldn't stop wanting her? Would she open the door to her heart or forever close it due to the fear of being wanted?

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Chapter 1
Madison's POV “RUN!” My mother yelled, pushing me toward the direction of an exit I never knew existed. “Where are the others?” I asked, looking around for my dad and two siblings but there was no sign of them. It was just chaos and angry yells from the pack members who suddenly waged war on us. “They're coming,” Mom whispered to me as she heard more footsteps in our direction. “You have to leave now. I'll find all of them and join you.” “Promise?” I asked in fear and tears and she responded, before turning around while I walked through the dark hallway. Before I knew it, I reached the back gate, my heart pounding in my chest as I frantically searched for a secure place to hide so I would wait for my family to join me then we all could leave. A sigh escaped my lips as I found a place to stay and just as I was heading towards it, a deafening explosion ripped through the air and the next thing I saw were angry flames of fire, engulfing every part of the pack house. “NO!” I screamed, my voice hoarse with anguish, as I tried to push myself up from the ground. But before I could even take a single step towards the burning wreckage, a strong hand grabbed hold of my arm, pulling me back. “Madison! No! You can't go in there!” a voice shouted above the roar of the flames. I turned to see a man standing beside me. Not caring if he was an enemy or ally, I struggled to break free, wanting to go in to save my family. “But my family...” I choked out, tears streaming down my face as I struggled against his grip. “Someone would help them,” he replied. “There's nothing you can do for them now other than to keep yourself safe. I cannot let you go in.” I collapsed to my knees, the weight of grief crushing me as I watched helplessly at the entrance I came out from, wishing to see my parents and siblings walk out without any injuries but it never happened. “We need to get out of here,” the man said gently, trying to get me to my feet. “They'll kill you if they find you here.” “But my family…” I broke down again, now wanting to leave but a growl from somewhere close by jolted me back to my senses and I forced myself up, ready to run. He was able to figure out the direction the wolf was coming from so we went in the opposite direction. As we stumbled through the dense forest, the stranger, whose name I still didn't know, draped a thick cloak over my shoulders. It was rough and smelled of pine, but as long as it offered me protection, I didn't care. “Stay close,” the stranger said, his voice low and urgent. “We need to keep moving.” I nodded, clutching the edges of the cloak tightly as we picked up the pace, our footsteps muffled by the blanket of fallen leaves beneath our feet. I was becoming too tired of running and crying at the same time, so I decided to slow my pace, trying to regain my energy. “Is he to be trusted?” my wolf asked as the man handed me a bottle of water. My response was I didn't know, but considering the fact that he helped me out, I could consider him a friend. My respite was short-lived, as my ears picked up pounding footsteps drawing nearer with each passing moment. “They're gaining on us,” I whispered, my heart hammering in my chest as fear clawed at my throat and he nodded. “I can hear them too. They have surrounded us,” He whispered, looking around like he was trying to figure out where the first attack would come from. “Shouldn't we make a run for it?” I asked as my heart drummed in my chest. Although I had defensive skills, they couldn't be compared to the skills of trained warriors. They easily overpowered me before and they would do it again. The stranger glanced over his shoulder, his expression grim as he assessed our dwindling chances of escape. “That won't work. We'll have to fight,” he responded. “But I need you to trust me, okay?” Not having a choice, I nodded, swallowing hard as adrenaline surged through my veins. Within seconds, the first of our pursuers burst into view, some in their wolf form and others in their human form, with their target being me, their alpha's first daughter. “Why are you involving yourself in our pack affairs, outsider?” one of the men snarled. “All we want is the girl, dead preferably. Give her to us and we'll let you go!” The stranger refused, countering each of their attacks, giving no room for them to reach me. “Go!” he shouted, his voice barely audible. “Take the path to the left. You'll find someone there who can help you! Tell him Gaius sent you,” He finished his sentence in mindlink. I hesitated for only a moment, torn between the instinct to flee and the desire to stay and fight by his side. But as more wolves closed in, I knew that I had to run for my life. With one last glance over my shoulder, I broke into a run, following the path he had indicated as shouts and groans echoed through the forest behind me. I didn't know who or what awaited me at the end of that path, or what trials lay ahead, but one thing was certain: I would do whatever it took to survive, I had to find out what made the pack members suddenly turn against my family to make them want to kill us. Breathless and trembling, I continued to run, and finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stumbled into a small clearing. At first, I didn't see anyone so I took further steps until I felt a presence close by, looking at me from a place I couldn't detect. “Who are you?” A very deep tone demanded and I gulped not knowing the proper answer to give. “Gaius sent me here. We were attacked on our way.” Immediately those words left my lips, I heard a rustle here and there then standing before me, was a man, tall and broad-shouldered, his features hidden in the shadows. “Who are you?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, my heart still racing with adrenaline. The man stepped forward, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he were measuring me up, assessing the threat I posed. “I could ask you the same question,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. “I...I'm Madison,” I stammered, my gaze darting nervously around the clearing. “We need to get out of here before they find us,” I tried to keep my voice low, cautious of my surroundings. The man's eyes narrowed, studying me intently but his voice softened as he continued to speak. “Who attacked you and why did Gaius risk his life to save you?” “The pack members attacked us and I don't know why he did that. Do you know if he's going to be okay?” I asked but I got no response. “Let's go, “ He finally replied and I nodded while praying Gaius made it out of there in one piece. But then, just as I was about to take my first step away, a scent caught me off guard, a scent that made me freeze in my tracks. “What's going on?” The man asked, noticing I was looking around. “My mate. He's here.”

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