The Tempest-3

2035 Words

“And so are you, self-centered, egotistical and arrogant! You’ve never let me forget the world revolves around you!” she declared hotly. “That’s right, I am egotistical and arrogant! My world does revolve around me, because that’s the way I’ve made it. And because I’m the director, and I’m the dominant, and I’m in charge here, that’s how I get to behave. Not you! I daresay, I have been kinder and more gentle with you than you deserve, because I love you. But it’s stopping now. I might as well go back to being the dictatorial ass I’m known to be, because it sure feels a lot more real than getting my ass run over by your capricious jealous emotions!” “You know I thought I’d come in here and we could shed a little reason on this situation, but you, Orlando Shakespeare are a dictatorial ass!

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