Chapter 12

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12 The blackness turned to grey as I found myself before The Guard at their meeting place deep within The Void. The ground was smooth and sloped slightly back and forth which gave the horizon a tranquil line, its grey only a few shades darker than the translucent sky. We were in a circle of sparsely branched trees. They were leafless, and their dark grey branches grew up towards the sky, swaying gently in the ever-present breeze. Everything here was a shade of grey. The only colour came from the inhabitants of this strange space. The six beings that comprised The Guard each sat upon a high dais draped with grey silk. The daises were arranged in a circle like the trees, and the fabric wrapped around them blended with the colour of the ground. In the breeze, it looked as if the very soil had moved to support them. They were an impressive group and had been in power longer than anyone, including themselves, could remember. Together they were law for The Void, each one representing the largest groups. It was rumoured that they were the originators of all life in The Void. Seeing this memory, I knew I did not believe those whispers. I stood in the centre of the circle and turned slowly to take them all in. Starting at my left sat Cosima. She was scaled, like Noiryn, but hers were the colours of fire and gold. She sat tall on her dais and as I stared she twisted her body so I could see the beautiful golden quills erupt from her back. The movement emphasised the smooth line of her torso and ample curve of her chest. Her third eye was open wide. I could not deny her savage beauty. Shielding my reaction to her form, I gave my eyes to the next Guard. On Cosima’s right was Windiga, a Yeti with light blond hair and a long braid that hung from his chin. The braid was fastened with a small piece of steel that matched the elaborate plates covering his shoulders and shins. The plates were formed to fit his body, each engraved with a rolling scroll of vines, and even in the indirect light of The Void, they shone. He played absently with his braid as I observed the group. Next in the circle was a being new to my modern memory, but that my past knew well. He had the body of a man, long, lean and prepared for movement, but his skin was that of a snake’s. He wore no clothing, so the smooth pale texture of his belly was obvious. And like a snake, the parts of his body that identified his gender lay hidden beneath his scales. The rest of his skin was mottled with black and green scales. He had solid black eyes and only a slight bump where the slits of his nostrils were located. Heavy folds of scales sat round his neck. They made his head look as if it was oscillating directly on his shoulders. I grimaced involuntarily, and he flicked his forked tongue across his slit of a mouth, taunting me. They called him Mastyx. Beside him sat Silverwood. His flesh was rough and cracked. It looked like the bark of an old oak tree. His body was very long and narrow and bent awkwardly as he sat on the dais. From his head grew leafy branches that reached two feet into the sky and his hands were a gnarled collection of twigs that hung from the ends of his arms. His toes were fleshy roots, pinkish and moist; they slithered on the dais looking for soil. I could hear the wood of his flesh creak as he breathed. Next came Ganaraj, the Minion. He looked like all the other Minions except he wore a red sash around his waist. Whereas the other members of The Guard sat in chairs, Ganaraj sat on the dais itself. He lounged on his side, propping his head up with his right arm. He looked totally at peace, dozy even, but since Minions are known for speed, it did nothing to quell my uneasiness. The final member of The Guard was the most mysterious. Most of his kind never spent time in The Void, preferring the solitude of Travel. So, although there were many of them, he was the only one The Void saw. He had a low chair on his dais, and he sat back into it, his legs spread slightly. He wore black leather pants, nothing else. My eyes trailed from the pale undersides of his bare feet, up his leather-clad legs and across the deep platinum-hued skin of his muscled torso. His long black hair hung around his shoulders and fell in sections across his face. It did nothing to hide the bright silver of his eyes. He was a beautiful man, lean and graceful, yet trembling with power. His kind drew that power from the slivers of bone they pulled from their ribs. They wielded them like swords and used them as conduits for their power. This member of The Guard could shoot them from his hands with unrivalled precision. He was called The Archer. Our eyes locked and I found it hard to turn away. Luckily Silverwood spoke. “Why have you come here, Phoenix?” His voice was deep and slow. I turned to him quickly. “I have come, Guard…” I turned to include them all. “To ask for change.” Ganaraj and Mastyx chuckled. The combination of slurping and hissing was disturbing. Windiga stopped playing with his beard and Silverwood looked shocked. Cosima smiled and moved forward in her chair as she spoke. “Oh, dear Phoenix, how misguided you are.” She talked to me like I was a simple child. It was totally infuriating. “You cannot ask for change.” I opened my mouth to respond, but someone beat me to it. “Why not?” It was The Archer. The attention of the whole group snapped to him. You could almost hear their necks twists. Hope had begun to grow in my heart, and then he spoke again. “We don’t have to say yes.” He looked at me. “Besides, her question might tell us something.” He said the words like he knew that ‘something’ already. My heart was in my throat. I had bound everyone I had Healed to keep the secret. I had used my strongest enchantments. There was no way he could know what I had done. “Yes, I agree with The Archer.” It was Silverwood who spoke. “Let Phoenix ask.” “What! We break with millennia of tradition for her!” Cosima pointed at me. “The Archer has a point, Cosima.” Ganaraj was also in favour. “Perhaps her request will tell us something about The Void we do not know.” He shifted to lotus position while he talked and rested his chin on tented fingers. “What are you afraid of, Cosima?” It was evident unspoken tensions were creeping in. I really didn’t want to get in the middle of things; however, if it meant they would hear me out I would try to use it. Before Cosima could answer, I spoke. “Cosima fears nothing,” I said the one thing I could think of that would both insult and support Cosima. They all looked at me, the power of their gaze was almost too much. “Do not speak for me, bird!” It happened so fast. Cosima jumped down from her dais and came at me. I threw my hands up to protect myself; my wings spread wide from my back. I was sure I was no match for her. Before she could reach me Mastyx was beside her, a nimble hand locked around her wrist. His hold held and he swung Cosima around until they were face to face, their bellies pressed together, various scales sliding against each other. “Cosima, be calm.” He stroked her face like a lover. “She is not worth your distress.” He ran his hand over her neck and down her back. “Let us hear her and then she will be gone.” He moved his fingers lightly over her spines, and she shuddered. “Alright, Mastyx, for you.” She beamed at him and broke from his embrace. She came very close to me and whispered. “You are very lucky, Phoenix. Perhaps not eternally.” She plucked a single feather from my wing. It stung, and I inhaled sharply. She sneered with satisfaction and leapt onto her dais, taking my feather with her. “Right!” shouted Mastyx, rubbing his hands together as he began to circle me slowly. “Enough entertainment! Phoenix…” He crossed his arms over his chest and with mock-seriousness said: “What would you like us to change?” “Do not insult her, Mastyx.” It was the first time Windiga had spoken. “Phoenix may not be a member of this Guard, but as the only one of her kind, we must show her respect. It is law.” He directed the last of his words at Cosima, who sat pouting, twirling my feather in her hands. I hadn’t known about the law Windiga mentioned; perhaps it would come in handy. “Oh yes…” Mastyx flicked his tongue as he drew out the word. “My apologies.” He bowed to me and returned to his seat, his body undulating gracefully with every step. Silverwood’s body let out a loud creak as he moved to speak. “Now Phoenix…” He had such sad eyes. “What is it that you would like to change?” He spread his gnarled hands wide to indicate I had the floor. I tried to calm the frantic bird that was my heart. I took a few deep breaths and shook out my wings, partly because I was nervous and partly to remind them of what I was. No other creature in The Void had wings like mine, as Windiga had said, I was the only one of my kind. For a long time that had saddened me and finding my mate had been my main quest. But that changed when I discovered I could heal across the species. Suddenly I could connect with other hearts. Although that skill must always be kept secret, I would try now to have the limits on me lifted when I Travelled. “I wish to use my power in the worlds I Travel to.” “You already do.” Said Silverwood. “Let me rephrase. I wish to use all my power in the worlds I Travel to.” “Ha!” Cried Cosima, “and you thought we would grant your wish?” She laughed. “Not even The Guard has that right.” I didn’t know that, and apparently, I wasn’t supposed to. “Cosima, your impulsiveness harms us again!” Shouted Ganaraj. “That is a Guard secret, you childish Siren!” The others began shouting at her; only the Archer sat quietly. The cascade of noise and power was too much for me. My wings started to pulse as a great warmth grew inside me. I locked eyes with The Archer as the heat grew and grew. His silver burned into me as the others raged. Finally, it was too much for my body. Wings spread wide, the power broke from me and pulsed through The Guard, touching each of them, then out into The Void. Everyone was silent, our fear palpable. No one had expected such strength from me. I was frightened. In the rush of power, I had collapsed to the ground and covered myself with my wings. I spoke from my position on the ground to the silent group. “I will keep your Secret.” There was a long stretch of silence. “But will we keep yours?” The Archer spoke, and I rose up onto my knees. “I have no secrets.” Drained as I was, I still knew enough to lie. “Really?” He raised an eyebrow but otherwise remained motionless in his chair. Only the tension in his hands belied the seriousness of what had just occurred. “Why do you want all your power when you Travel?” Again his words held knowledge. Cosima jumped in. “You cannot be serious! After the display, we’ve just witnessed…” “Silence!” bellowed Windiga. “We have had enough from you.” Cosima fell silent. “Answer me Phoenix.” The Archer spoke calmly. “I wish to help those I Watch.” A tear of memory rolled down my cheek. “I cannot bear witness and do nothing.” Tears flowed freely down my face as the memory of the tortured women flowed through my mind. “Have you tried?” asked Silverwood. “No.” I lied. “Good.” His relief drew a sigh from the branches above his head. “That is an ancient law that will not be changed, Phoenix. To go against it is to go against The Guard and that would mean your banishment. You don’t want that, do you?” “Banishment?” I was shocked. “I have never heard of any in The Void being Banished.” “We have never had to.” He stared at me, and I did not look away. Some of the sadness seemed to have left his eyes. They almost glittered. Perhaps my power had given him something. “Hopefully that will not change.” I looked away, and he took it as an answer and smiled. “Then it’s settled.” “There is still the matter of our Secret.” Ganaraj was sitting up straight, his legs dangling over the edge of the dais. “I will keep your Secret.” “Yes, you will. The Archer will see to that,” said Windiga. “I think…” chimed Mastyx. “that she should not Travel for a while. That little display of power, which we are so carefully not discussing…” He smiled wickedly at the other Guards; some shifted uncomfortably in the seats. “…Coupled with her request is troubling. Perhaps some time Bound to the Ground is necessary.” “Please, no!” I rushed to my feet, my wings beating to help the movement. To be Bound to the Ground meant exactly that. I would not be able to Travel or fly, a part of my body always in contact with the ground. Only an act of extreme power would make Travel possible, and such an act would bring The Guard with an even harsher punishment. “Please, Guard, please! It is not necessary! I will keep your Secret!” “Mastyx is right. Although her swell of power tasted unfocused, it was still impressive. Even now I can feel it swirling below her surface.” said Ganaraj. “A vote will make it official.” crooned Mastyx. “Then we vote.” Silverwood sighed; the light in his eyes had dimmed again. “All in favour.” Six green balls of light moved into the air. They formed a ring around me. “It is done.” Silverwood sank back into his chair as much as his course flesh would allow, his branches trembling as he moved. “Archer, her silence and the Binding.” The Archer nodded and in one fluid movement leapt from his dais to land beside me. The judgment was final, and there was no escape from The Guard. I collapsed to my knees and folded my wings behind me. The Archer crossed his arms and drove his hands into his flesh. It gave like butter, and I watched as The Archer, digging with his fingers, pulled two ribs from his body. I heard them crack as he pulled them free of the flesh leaving ragged holes in their wake. The wounds bled thickly but in an instant were healed. “For how long?” I whispered. No one answered. The Archer stood in front of me, a piece of bone in each hand. When I made no move to stand, he dropped to his knees. We stared at each other. I had never been this close to the Archer. A pulse of energy crackled between the open plain of our bodies. His eyes widened. “Hurry up, Archer.” hissed Mastyx. He placed a piece of bone on each of my temples. The moment they touched my flesh I started to feel cold. I felt my wings go limp at my back. The silver in his eyes grew brighter as my world went black.
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