Chapter 7

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7 I awoke some hours later to the sound of Sid and Yeren arguing in hushed tones. I feigned sleep. “You watch yourself, Yeren.” Sid’s voice was a sharp whisper. “I will do as I please. You have no power over me, Minion.” Yeren snapped. The harsh tone sounded strange coming from her mouth; there was a timbre to her voice that had not been there before. They continued arguing. “It is a poor game to try your glamour on her now.” “I try no glamour, she spoke of her own heart!” “When she touches her wing she will remember everything, Yeren!” “Enough!” There was a brief flare of power as Yeren spoke. I moved involuntarily in my bed. “She will wake soon.” I pretended to sleep while Sid got the fire roaring, I could hear Yeren preparing food. My mind was positively reeling from their exchange. I thought about what happened last night. It was very strange for me to be so blatant with Yeren, but the words did seem to emanate from me. I was almost positive of that. But that didn’t scare me as much as the thought that Sid was still keeping something from me. Normally I would just confront him and demand the entire picture, maybe swing my bat some more, but this time my gut told me to be patient. Besides, if what Sid told Yeren were true, I’d remember everything when I touched my wing. I would have it, and my answers, soon enough. Sooner, if I got up. I rolled over in my cot and rubbed the crust from my eye as I spoke to the air. “Good morning guys. Well, good whatever time it is anyway.” I looked at the fire, and the porridge Yeren was stirring. “Wow, you’ve been busy. Why didn’t you wake me? I could have helped.” “You need your sleep, My Lady,” Sid answered. “Until you have your wing, Travelling will take a lot of energy for you.” “So I’ll be able to Travel with one wing?” That would be cool. “Perhaps.” He paused, thinking. “However, I am not sure what level of control you will have.” “Anything that keeps me from passing out would be a plus.” I took a bowl of porridge from Yeren. “Thanks. You’re quiet this morning.” The only remains of their earlier argument were Yeren’s silence. I gave her my most harmless smile and ate my porridge. When Yeren finally replied, her voice was soft again. “Just thinking, Lady. We must get your wing. It will be good to see you be yourself again.” She smiled sweetly and had I not heard their fight earlier; I wouldn’t have caught the emotion that flitted behind her eyes. When we had finished breakfast, Sid doused the fire, and Yeren tidied up the cave. My offer to help was refused. Yeren produced a large oval mirror and leant it against one of the cave walls. I went to the mirror. I had taken the jacket off in the night, so the pale skin of my arms was startling in the dim cave. The suit had been very comfortable to sleep in and considering what we were about to do Sid had picked the right outfit. I felt totally unhindered in the suit. My hair had gotten away from me a little in the night, but I had packed a hairbrush in my tote, so I had it looking good in no time. It seemed silly to put make-up on, but I like a little bit. I smeared some concealer under my eyes and swiped mascara across my lashes. Sid giggled at me. “Soon you will not need that paint.” I ignored him. I put on my fur, linking the clasps, and slung my bag across my body. I made sure the handle of the bat was in a good place and tried drawing it, fast, a couple of times. I swung it through the air with speed, pulling my arms back behind me and following through with all my body weight. When I was satisfied with my form, I put the bat away. I looked up to see them both staring at me. Yeren looked shocked while Sid’s face held pride. “Got to smash it with something.” I teased. “Exactly.” Sid voice was curt and belied the excitement his eyes. “Let’s go get your wing.” We walked out single file, Yeren leading the way, with Sid bringing up the rear. When we got to the mouth of the cave, Yeren dashed for the trees, Sid and me in her wake. She stopped in a thick patch of brush just the other side of the clearing. We stood in a circle. Sid nodded to us both once and then grabbed our hands. I hate fainting.
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