Chapter 3

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3 I woke up the next day and tried not to worry about Sid. He had lived for as long as Time, so I was pretty sure he could handle himself. Besides, my bat and I wouldn’t be much help to him, especially not against someone with the balls to call himself ‘The Archer.’ I knew Sid would show up again sooner or later, so I crammed down my worry and waited. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks became a month, I started freaking out. Sid knew that I’d be on eggshells until he told me he was okay, so why hadn’t he contacted me? I started waiting up for him. I’d stay up until the sun was close to waking, reading to keep my eyes open until I fell asleep with the book on my face. One night, around the six-week mark, I finally just went to bed. I was exhausted from all my late nights and had come to the conclusion that Sid may be gone for a very long time so I should probably just sleep. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. I don’t know how much time had passed but I was suddenly conscious. The apartment was still and quiet, and I couldn’t figure out what had woken me. Then I heard it. A soft whisper. “Phoenix… Phoenix…” “Sid?” I asked the darkness. “Oh good, you’re awake.” He flicked on the lamp, and I was momentarily blinded. “Jesus, Sid!” I threw an arm over my eyes. “Sorry!” He turned the dimmer down. “Where the hell have you been?” I dropped the arm from my eyes and looked at him. He was much greyer than normal, and beads of moisture were visible on his skin. As he wrung his hands, large pieces of skin flaked onto the carpet. He had been moving a lot. His skin spoke of fear and escape, and all my concern came flooding back, but it ceased when I looked in his eyes. They held a burning, a power stronger than the steel they mimicked, that I had never seen in him. I noticed he was standing straighter and instead of the small plain cloth, he wore a wrap made of thick black cotton that hit him at mid thigh. There was also a leather backpack at his side. Taking all this in I asked cautiously: “Sid, what’s going on?” “Worry not, Phoenix. All will be explained, but now we must hurry.” “Hurry wh… Hey! You’re using my name again!” “Yes, there is no point in restraint. They know where we are.” He threw back my covers and beckoned me from the bed. “We must go.” I got up as he walked towards my closet. “You still haven’t told me where.” He called an answer over his back while rifling through my closet. “That I cannot tell you. The Names Travel. I will answer all your questions, and you will have more, very soon. But now…” He paused in his search. “…This is the one… we must go.” He handed me the garment. It was the black jumpsuit I’d worn for Halloween. I went as a “sexy” vampire. Doesn’t every woman go as a “sexy” something? “Sid I am not wearing that! It’s a costume, and it leaves nothing to the imagination.” It really didn’t. It was matte black and made of some man-made stretchy fabric that clung to every inch of me, the dark colour making my pale skin glow. It was a halter style that plunged in the front, had absolutely no back and fitted legs that I’d tucked into knee high boots. I have long auburn hair that hits me at mid back, and with my height and shape, I looked like an Amazonian Goth princess. Super hot; if I do say so myself. Sid ignored my protest and continued his exploration of my closet. “Phoenix, we do not have time for this. That ‘costume’ is the only thing you have that is suitable.” “But I’ll freeze!” “No, you will also take this.” He tossed me my fur coat. Yes, I have a fur coat. Don’t worry; it’s vintage. It’s from the seventies and is the same colour as my hair. It hits me at the waist and has a beautiful collar that I wear up around my neck. I love the thing; it’s one of the most erotic pieces of clothing I’ve ever owned. The feel of the fur against skin is amazing, I highly recommend it. I try to wear it as much as possible, but I’m always on the lookout for red paint. But seriously, if you’ve ever had a hamburger or worn leather shoes, do you really have the right to be outraged? At least my coat biodegrades. While I contemplated the coat, Sid had found more things for me. “These for your feet...” Black suede knee-high boots, it was Halloween all over again. “…And this I will fill with supplies. Get dressed.” He slithered into his backpack and went for the door with my black leather tote bag in his hands. I looked down at my ‘outfit’, and I’d had enough. “Siddhartha! I am not doing anything until you explain just what the f**k is going on!” I rarely swore in his presence; he found it extremely offensive. He stopped in the doorway and turned to face me. Anger pulsated from him, and his eyes burnt a light scarlet colour. I’d never seen him do that before. His body trembled with restraint, and although he was half my size, I was afraid. I expected him to yell and was shocked when I received a strained whisper instead. “I have Watched you since you were but a child. I have protected you from things you cannot imagine. I am older than your concept of Time. You are most precious to me, and I would never, never, do anything to harm you. Heed my words. We must leave here, now.” He turned on his heel and left the room. I got dressed in record time. Halloween night I’d taken almost an hour to put on all the finishing touches, but tonight there would be no trick or treating. I’d forgotten how comfortable the suit was. Sure it was skin-tight, but it was also very soft and stretchy, and with the boots on I felt ready for action. I stole a glance in the mirror, I had to know just how crazy the suit looked, but I was surprised. Without the fangs and fake blood on my chin, the suit just looked hot. Too much for day to day, but not for travelling with a Minion. I shrugged into the coat and walked out of the bedroom feeling like a rock star. A frightened rock star, but still. I met Sid in the kitchen. I’m a grazer; I like to eat little bits all day long and get pretty bitchy if I don’t. I also drink a tonne of water. Sid, apparently aware of these things, had filled my bag with packets of nuts, a couple of apples, and some cheese. Judging by the amount in the bag we would be gone for a while. “Good. You’re dressed.” He handed me my water bottle. “Fill this.” He left the kitchen. I could hear him rummaging in my bedroom again as I filled the bottle. I was loading it into the bag along with a few things from my purse as he came back in the room. “Please put this in the bag. You will need it.” He handed me my bat. My bright blue, 'Lil' Slugger, baseball bat. I was shocked and wanted to ask yet again just where the hell he was taking me, but didn’t. After Sid’s tirade, I wasn’t going to push it. Besides, despite my questions, I trusted him. I knew in my heart that Sid would never hurt me. I slid the bat into the bag. It fit pretty well in the oversized tote. If I put it in at an angle, only about six inches of handle stuck out. My ‘Lil' Slugger is just that, little, child size. I just found the grown-up ones awkward and hard to hide. When I had finished loading the bag, I swung it over my head, so the strap lay across my chest. I don’t normally like wearing my bag like that, but since I didn’t know where we were going, it was mobility over fashion. Sid walked through to the living room with me at his heels. He stopped in the middle of the room. He gestured for me to step back then closed his eyes and stretched out his arms. A quick warm flash of power ripped through the space; I swayed slightly then it was gone. Sid opened his eyes and held out a hand to me. “We are safe to Travel. Come, My Lady, take my hand.” I put my hand in his and felt that warm pulse begin to move its way through my body. “Hold tight to my hand, Lady Phoenix.” I couldn’t keep quiet. “Are we going to disappear? Like you do?” “Yes. Please close your eyes.” “Oh shit.” I closed my eyes. It felt like fainting.
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