Chapter 34

873 Words

34 “You Healed him.” Noiryn’s voice gently broke the silence. Benyst’s a harsh contrast,“Why did you go and do that?” I was silent for a moment, my attention on The Archer. Although he now breathed deeply, he still had not opened his eyes. I caressed his cheek, wiping away some of the splattered blood, as I answered the question. “The wings showed me the truth. He’s my… friend.” I climbed off of him and laid a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Please Archer, wake up.” His eyes fluttered but did not open. “Please,” I asked again. Suddenly a great ragged breath rocked his body, and a coughing fit ensued. It rolled him to his side, and I rubbed his back until it subsided. He spat out a small mouthful of blood and then spoke, laughter in his voice. “That’s twice now.” “Twice what

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