5 - Mission

1940 Words
Jake I finish putting on my suit jacket, a cheaper one than I would usually enjoy wearing, because I know it will get ruined anyway, and after taking my car keys, I walk out of the mansion I've been staying in for the past two months, while I was actively investigating this particular crime group. This house, despite being beautiful and imposing as a structure, has definitely seen better days. The hedges are so overgrown that they completely cover the fences and a lot of the outside walls of the building, giving it a secluded vibe. The structure itself is in dire need of extensive consolidation work, that's for sure. The wing I currently live in has been renovated in preparation for my arrival, but I have only asked for a bedroom, a bathroom, a functioning kitchen and a large office to be set up. The workers happily complied, and my apartment looks great and modern, but the rest of the house is still old and battered, and if I'm being honest, it's creepy as f**k. It's also perfect for me, and for what I need to do here, as no one would dare to approach it. Not that many can find it either, considering the darn thing is in the middle of the jungle. It's a late afternoon, almost evening, like many were before and many will be after. Nothing special about it, nothing unusual even, except for the fact that, as I get into my car and glance back at the old building I came out of and the thick jungle behind it, I close my eyes and start chuckling. I have come full circle, literally. Without even realising it, I am back in Oahu, back where all this started for me, when Bolder first dragged me here with him and Carla. A dear memory come flashing back of the first week here on the island. After pestering Bolder to give me something to do other than homework and training, he reluctantly agreed to task me with being the lookout (one of many, as I later found out) on one of the rescue missions he was leading. The plan was to rescue a few young people that were meant to be sold as slaves. It was all deep in the jungle, and as Carla and Bolder approached the old abandoned bunker when we had information about them were being held, I was securing the perimeter and watching out for any unwanted activity. As I was taking my role very seriously, I noticed a few SUV driving on a narrow road straight into the jungle, and towards where I knew Bolder and Carla were heading. Unfortunately, instead of calling in the information to the others, I decided to ambush them and keep them from getting to the bunker. As far as I knew, we were dealing with human, so I was confident I could take all of them without breaking a sweat. I could have taken all 7 of them, expect they didn't hesitate, and shot me more times that I could count, and carried on driving, leaving me to bleed from the numerous bullet holes faster than Fang could curse me or heal me. They weren't silver bullets, not laced with wolfsbane, but they were many, and I almost lost the fight, if not for the other lookouts that heard the shots and were next to me within minutes, giving me first aid. At least Bolder waited until I was fully healed to kick my ass for trying to play the hero. --- After I finally settle into the driving seat or my car, and start making my way towards my target, I mentally go over all I know about the traffickers and the plan that I came up with, the plan that I need to stick to, no matter what: 1st step - Pose as a buyer. Done 2nd step - Meet the head of the operation. Hopefully that happens tonight, as I have been promised I'll meet the man himself. As usual, everyone has a price, and luckily for our company, we can afford to pay it if it helps us save innocent lives. 3rd step - Get the information about where the girls are. I'm sure that as soon as I am in close proximity to him, I will be able to gently (or not so gently) persuade the bastard to give that information up. 4th and final step- Kill the head of the snake and alert the authorities about the whereabouts of the trafficked women. The whole thing shouldn't take me more than 5 minutes from when I arrive there. It all has to be done anonymously, of course. As per usual, I'll make it look like an animal attack, not that I really need to stage anything, I am an animal after all, and Fang, despite not being very fond of me or communicating with me often, still supports these rescue missions, so I can count on him. I smirk as I catch a glimpse of myself in the rear view mirror. Tonight I will meet the head of the snake and will make sure it's going to be cut clean off the sleazy body. Call me a blood thirsty beast, but I won't deny I get a little rush of adrenaline knowing I get to kill a vile man, or maybe more, tonight. And the fact that I'm dealing with humans, therefore there is no stress about potentially meeting my mate, makes it all more exciting and enjoyable. --- It took me over an hour to reach close proximity to the address that I have been given. The drive was too long and it made me a little impatient, but alas, I'm finally here, so I'm ready to get the show started. I stop the car in front of two massive gates and after I lower the window, I pop my head out and stare straight at the security camera. It's less than a second later and the massive gates start to open slowly for me to gain access. I grin wickedly and start driving along the narrow alley that I discover behind those gates. If not for being human traffickers, the bastards that own this complex should be killed for having an impossibly long driveway. The crunch of the gavel and the dust that rises behind me and settles on my car pisses me off even more. Like I needed another reason to kill that fucker. Finally, after a few good minutes I find myself stopping the car in front of a massive, modern building with enough glass and marble to make it look like a Miami p**n shooting set. I cringe thinking that there is a high possibility that some of those women will end up just there, and try to contain my rising anger. Seeing as there is no one waiting for me at the door, I take advantage of the dust around the car still settling, and I spend an extra minute inside the vehicle, carefully observing the building before me, looking for entry and exit point, surveillance cameras and or guards patrolling. Upon closer inspection, It's obvious that this house has undergone extensive modernization work in the last decade or so, but you can still see some of the original features of the old building. If I look closely at some of the old parts that are peeking through, I'm fairly confident that the original building must have been built around the same time as the house I live in now on the island, which might be a good or a bad thing. If this building is as old as I believe it is, there might be vast cellars and tunnels and passageways both hidden inside the house and also underground. That might make my kill mission harder, but also I might even be as lucky to find the women here, considering they are selling them off starting today. Not wanting to draw too much attention and make myself look suspicious by just sitting in my car for so long, I quickly shot a text to Aron letting him know my suspicions about the building and step out of the car. Sometimes I miss being back in Crescent Moon and being able to mind link anyone in the pack. This is another thing that Marnie is not happy about, because we have learned the hard way that after being away from our pack for so many years, the Moon Goddess has demoted us to the equivalent of lone wolves, therefore we can't mind link. Even Aron and Marnie can only mind link if they are within a few feet away from each other, which is not that useful, unless they are talking s**t about me when I'm right there with them, but as we all know, the Moon Goddess has a wicked sense of humour. Marnie is also concerned that her pups, being born outside of a pack, despite technically being members of one, are lone wolves, but they are way too young for us to know. By now I've made it to the front door and my hand stops mid air before knocking because I hear something I did not like. A masculine voice cursing someone and a small whimper that escaped after a loud grunt. I'm positive that whomever those people inside are, a man just hit a woman. I have to take a few deep breaths to control myself, bile rising in my throat as I remember the stupid things I used to do and disrespect lower rank wolves in my pack. My parents might have forgiven me for putting them through hell and shaming the Alpha family, maybe even some of the Omegas I bullied might have seen the change in me when I last visited and genuinely apologised to everyone I met during the short stay, but I could never forgive myself for being a monster, just like the one I hunt today. There are still a few people I haven't apologised to, but I couldn't risk finding my mate. I often fear that the Moon Goddess would have a good kick by pairing me with the girl I forced to lick my shoes, so I never reached out to her, because last I heard, she was still unmated. Before Fang could convince me to barge in and kill the man on sight, the front door opens and a young woman, with a meek smile welcomes me in. She is so small and looks frail, her skin that I'm convinced should be olive, looks sickly pale, despite her uniform being clean and her hair in a neat bun. I have to give it to her, she does her absolute best to conceal how much she hates it here. I also notice her erratic heartbeat and the fear in her eyes. A sudden urge to hold and protect her washes over me, and leaves me stunned. I clear my throat loudly and pull my s**t together, because despite not showing himself, I can sense the man just behind the foyer, waiting. I briefly look at the young woman again. She must be treated like a slave rather than a maid, I tell myself, that's why I feel the need to get her out of here and keep her safe. As she welcomes me in, a little perplexed about the fact that I still haven't uttered a word, I make a mental note to myself to find her and rescue her along with the other women, even if they are being held somewhere else.
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